School of Business - impact case studies

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Overcoming the Challenges Facing Medical Leadership and Medical Engagement

Professor Graeme Martin’s research led to debate in the Scottish Parliament on hospital consultant’s experience of work, shape British Medical Association (BMA) policy on medical engagement, and the development and use of a medical identity diagnostic ‘toolkit’ for assessing suitability for medical leadership positions and the quality of medical engagement with their employers.

Addressing the Optimal Distinctiveness Problem by Changing HR Strategy and Practice in a Global and Local Company

HR strategy and practice in a Swedish-headquartered multinational and a fast-growing, local SME have been significantly changed as a direct result of Graeme Martin’s HR-focused research with colleagues into innovative strategic HR and corporate governance, organizational trust, employer branding and employee engagement. 

Shaping women’s enterprise policy in Scotland: Delivering an effective and sustainable model for women’s enterprise support

Professor Norin Arshed’s work focuses on enterprise policy and how this policy is formulated and implemented.