The recruitment process for graduate roles in the UK

Detailing the commonly used recruitment methods for graduate roles in the UK.

On this page

Recruitment for graduate roles in the UK is a very competitive process as you are competing against graduates from universities across the UK, all with the same degree qualifications. It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with the typical stages in a recruitment process to ensure that you are best prepared when applying for a role. Please note that companies do utilise their own individual recruitment processes that may fall outwith this guide, however below is an overview on commonly used recruitment methods.

Stages of the UK recruitment process

  • Create CV and cover letter
  • Complete online application form
  • Psychometric online test
  • Assessment centre
  • Panel interview

Throughout the recruitment process, employers are looking to assess the following skills so please ensure you showcase these attributes throughout each stage of the process:

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Problem solving skills
  • Resilience
  • Time management

Job boards

Graduate jobs are advertised online in first instance. JobShop, Indeed, CV Library, S1 Jobs, and LinkedIn are all great platforms to search for opportunity. 

Apply with a CV and covering letter

Your CV should showcase all of your relevant work and educational experience. Please refer to our CV guides for further advice on how to construct your CV.

Telephone screening call 

Typically a get to know you more informal based call – a recruiter will run through your CV and ask some qualifying questions about why you are interested in this opportunity.  

Video interview 

The first interview usually focuses on your general competencies, skills and enthusiasm for the job, while later interviews may also ask about your ability to do the job, commercial awareness, knowledge of the employer and strengths and values. Video interviews should take the same format as an in person interview, therefore you should present yourself smartly and take the interview in a quiet space with no distractions.  

Psychometric testing 

This stage could involve an online personality quiz, a numerical, inductive or verbal reasoning test and/or a situational judgement test.  

Assessment centre 

 A form of group interviews, in which a number of candidates are given set exercises to complete, which usually include group activities, a presentation, a case study and a final interview.