
Nursery allergies and allergic reactions policy

Updated on 19 April 2023

How the University Nursery ensures allergic reactions are minimised or prevented where possible.

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At The University of Dundee Nursery Ltd we are aware that children may have or develop an allergy resulting in an allergic reaction. Our aims are to ensure allergic reactions are minimised or, where possible, prevented and that staff are fully aware of how to support a child who may be having an allergic reaction.

Our procedures

  • Our staff are made aware of the signs and symptoms of a possible allergic reaction in case of an unknown or first reaction in a child. These may include a rash or hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, itchy skin, runny eyes, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the mouth or tongue, swelling to the airways to the lungs, wheezing and anaphylaxis.
  • We ask that parents share all information about allergic reactions and allergies on their child’s registration form/care plan and to inform staff of any allergies discovered after registration.
  • We share all information with all staff and keep an allergy register in each room and in the main kitchen.
  • Where a child has a known allergy, the nursery manager or a room senior will carry out a full Health Care Plan Procedure with the parent prior to the child starting nursery and share this assessment with all staff.
  • All food prepared for a child with a specific allergy is prepared in an area where there is no chance of contamination and served on equipment that has not been in contact with this specific food type, e.g. nuts.
  • The manager, room senior, nursery cook, and parents will work together to ensure a child with specific food allergies receives no food at nursery that may harm them. This may include designing an appropriate menu or substituting specific meals on the current nursery menu.
  • Seating will be monitored for children with allergies. Where deemed appropriate staff will sit with children who have allergies and where age/stage appropriate staff will discuss food allergies and the potential risks.
  • If a child has an allergic reaction to food, a bee or wasp sting, plant etc. a first aid trained member of staff will act quickly and administer the appropriate treatment. We will inform parents and record the information in the incident form.
  • If an allergic reaction requires specialist treatment, e.g. an EpiPen, then at least two members of staff working directly with the child and the manager will receive specific medical training to be able to administer the treatment to each individual child.
  • If appropriate the senior nursery manager or junior nursery manager will decide to administer antihistamine such as Piriton which is kept on the premises for emergencies. It is parents/carers responsibilities to provide nursery with appropriate medication for child allergy. If a child arrives to nursery with no appropriate medication, then nursery has right to send the child home. Medication must be labelled with the child's full name and date of birth and must be approved by a doctor or pharmacy.  
  • Each room must have an Allergy List which must include the child’s full name, D.O.B., allergies and photos of the child which must be kept confidentially. Each child with allergies must have a completed and reviewed, on a regular basis, Health Care Plan, if required.
  • All staff must read individual child’s Health Care Plan. If a member of staff is not sure about any part of the child’s Health Care Plan, then they must speak with a room senior or one of the management team
  • Room senior must update the nursery cook as soon as they are aware of any changes to the child's allergies.

Food Information (Scotland) Regulations 2014

From 13 December 2014, we will incorporate additional procedures in line with the Food Information Regulations 2014 (FIR).

  • We will display our weekly menus on the Parent Information Board and will identify when the 14 allergens are used as ingredients in any of our dishes.

Transporting children to hospital procedures

The nursery manager/staff member must:

  • Call for an ambulance immediately if the allergic reaction is severe. DO NOT attempt to transport the sick child in your own vehicle
  • Whilst waiting for the ambulance, contact the parent(s) and arrange to meet them at the hospital
  • Arrange for the most appropriate member of staff to accompany the child taking with them any relevant information such as registration forms, relevant medication sheets, medication, and the child’s comforter
  • Redeploy staff, if necessary, to ensure there is adequate staff deployment to care for the remaining children. This may mean temporarily grouping the children together
  • Inform a member of the management team immediately
  • Always remain calm. Children who witness an incident may well be affected by it and may need lots of cuddles and reassurance. Staff may also require additional support following the accident.

Document information

Date policy adopted 24 October 2022
Signed on behalf of Nursery Jacky Jones, Senior Manager,

Malgorzata Mazanka, Junior Manager
Date for review 24 October 2023



Jacky Jones

Nursery Manager

From Nursery
Corporate information category Nursery