
School of Humanities, Social Science and Law Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Statement

Updated on 16 May 2024

The University of Dundee is committed to strongly supporting all in our community, to ensuring an inclusive learning and working environment, and to a fair and more equitable society for all.

On this page

Our Commitment

As a University, one of our core values is to treat everyone with equal respect, valuing their contribution to the University. The University of Dundee is committed to strongly supporting all in our community, to ensuring an inclusive learning and working environment, and to a fair and more equitable society for all. We have a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination, harassment and bullying. With this commitment in mind, the School of Humanities, Social Science and Law is working to ensure that matters of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are embedded across all we do.

Our Objectives

As a School we will continuously strive to:

  • Encourage the celebration of diversity and promotion of equality in all aspects of School life
  • Ensure that all members of the School community are valued equally
  • Develop an awareness of EDI issues amongst all students and staff
  • Eliminate all forms of harassment and victimisation
  • Eliminate discriminatory practices, ensuring equitable treatment within the School
  • Respond promptly to any concerns regarding inequitable treatment
  • Nurture a welcoming and inclusive culture for work and study 

Culture and People: EDI committee

We have a Culture and People: Equality Diversity and Inclusion (C&P: EDI) Committee focused on the School’s EDI objectives. This C&P: EDI Committee works with the wider School and other committees to deliver on our commitment to enable all students and staff to achieve their potential in a supportive and inclusive environment. 

Our Culture and People: EDI committee meets four times a year and is co-chaired by Professor Trish McCulloch, Senior Associate Dean: Culture and People and Dr Louise Campbell, School EDI Lead.

Contact Us

If you wish to discuss or raise an EDI related matter, you can do so with any member of academic and professional services staff, or the student representatives. Alternatively, you may wish to contact one of the EDI team.

Name Role Email
Dr Maggie Bruce Staff Disability Network Representative 
Dr Bryony Buck Athena Swan Charter Representative
Dr Di Cantali Athena Swan Charter Representative 
Dr Nicole Devarenne Staff LGBT+ Network Representative 
Dr Qudsia Kalsoom Race Equality Charter Representative 
Dr Louise Campbell School EDI Lead