Ellen Harrold

Art, Science & Visual Thinking MFA

Over and Over again I continue to exist.


People are creatures of refraction. We absorb, reform, and reflect ideas constantly. This process reveals more about existence in all its forms (corporeal and otherwise). Yet, the more we learn, the more we try to establish rules and formulae for the mechanisms through which existence can shape itself, which in and of itself is an interesting praxis for a mechanism-based understanding of the world. The issue is when these systems become accepted as fact and pile up on one another, we risk establishing a practice of understanding that resists adaptation and change as one flaw threatens to bring the system down. So we cut and segment and resist change. Every fact stands on a tower of assumptions, adrift from the connective tissue that would allow us to understand it. It isn’t possible to have an understanding of everything. The human brain has its limits. This is why collaboration and community are such vital aspects of research. Not just the collaboration of people with the same interests and bases of knowledge but even the casual discussion of ideas and projects amongst friends and family. People who shed light on ideas with their differences and curiosity about things they don’t understand yet.

Go on, look into the fluorescent lights

A willow eel trap hangs suspended near the ceiling. All around it is a mural of eels, painted hesturally and lightly on the walls, from floor to ceiling. The bright lights illuminate the mural and cast three distorted shadows over the murals, making the eels look as if they are swimming through shadows. In the centre, simple print letters are drawn in loose swirls of charcoal. They read; "OVER AND OVER AGAIN I EXIST".

Go on, look into the fluorescent lights

A loose charcoal was shows eels writhing aginst the wall. They are illuminated by light cast through an eel trap, making them look like they are swimming through shadow.

Go on, look into the fluorescent lights

Simple print letters are drawn in loose swirls of charcoal. They read; "OVER AND OVER AGAIN I EXIST".
