Eva Margaret Brown

Art, Science & Visual Thinking MFA

I remain faithful to what is my inspiration: nature.


As an artist who always creates in harmony with nature, it is impossible to pass indifferently to all wonders that the earth offers each year. In botanical matter it is a miracle that I want to preserve, pass on and show to others… that is a colour. Extracting dye from botanical matter, modifying colour with the natural components of the soil became the subject of my research, study and my passion. In a sentimental aspect, all botanical sources and the areas I gather them are always special to me. Capturing the circumstances of the season, places which offer material for my work, all this aspects I try to encapsulate in my art. A medium which rules it’s own rights, over which a man is unable to control, a medium which is capricious, gracious, unpredictable, consistent with nature, of which we are part of.

series of multilayer and multi process botanical prints on cotton fabric, with trace of metal salt modifications, finished with copper floss embroidery.

Eco print with copper thread embroidery

Eucalyptus eco print on cotton fabric with using an "iron blanket" and finished by cotton thread embroidery.

Eucalyptus print on cotton with embroidery stitches

the effect of amalgamation of all known and studied botanical print techniques, adopted in my artistic works, made during my art and science studies. It is 3D fabric sculpture of eco printed and eco dyed cotton fabric, attached onto the linen fabric. The cotton fabric used is dated to XIX century.

Textile sculpture with eco dyed fabric
