Kirsty Bogle

Drawing MFA

Collaborations between humans, pollinators, plants and other residents of an Angus Glen.


My work celebrates the ancient relationship between honeybees and people as a focus for relationships between all of the diversity of living beings on the hillside upon which I live in the Angus Glens. The exhibition ‘Betwixt and Between” is intended to share my sense of wonder at the myriad of lives, lived around my home. From Bats to Badgers, Bees and Owls, Trees, Flowers and Rocks;- each has their own lifespan and spirit.

I am currently working with straw and clay to make objects that bring the inspiration of the natural world into the gallery space. Many of the materials that I use have been collected from the land around my home. My inks are largely made from plants from my garden and the hedgerow and used to draw on board in a similar process to medieval icon art. My methodology and processes are informed by Scottish rural heritage crafts and Scottish folklore and shamanism as it was practiced in Celtic lands. My intention is to create work that conveys my sense of wonder at the natural world, of which we humans are an intrinsic part.

Full Flow

A stream of browny gold spots on a cream background with rivulets of colour

A gold, yellow and amber drawing on a cream gesso board


Two drawings, a straw column and a wall mounted

Works shown as part of the Surfacing exhibition in St Margaret’s House Edinburgh June 22