Madeleine Wythe

Forensic Art & Facial Imaging MSc

My work explores the changes that happen to a body in the first week after death, I have created a life size decomposing cadaver to educate students.


When an unidentified body is found it is up to a forensic artist to aid in getting a positive (or negative) ID on the victim. A combination of specialised techniques must be effectively learned for this to be successful. Forensic art students are taught using a combination of different pedagogies to achieve mastering post-mortem depiction and forensic photography, however there is often one key element missing from their education - the decomposing body. A life size, realistic body has been created to aid in the teaching of some of the most important forensic art techniques. To demonstrate how this manikin can be used, a post-mortem depiction and forensic photography following the industry standard guidelines have been completed. This manikin replicates some of the physical changes that could be expected to happen to a decomposing human body, such as livor mortis, abdominal bloating, pallor mortis and marbling, liquefaction and exuding of bodily fluids and some insect activity. 

It is also important that forensic students practise working with a body in this state as they are usually only exposed to embalmed cadavers in a sanitised laboratory setting, therefore this manikin should promote the ability to deal with graphic scenes and maintain a respectful demeanour.

Forensic photography

image shows the cadaver from a lateral angle with forensic scale

Image taken to demonstrate the possibility of using the manikin for practising forensic photography.

Forensic Entomology Poster

Image is of a poster for forensic entomology, sketched insects are presented next to descriptive text

Post-mortem depiction

black and white generated  image, shows a portrait of a girl resembling the cadaver but in a lifelike state

Post-mortem depiction - used to aid in the identification of a victim.

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Please contact me via my Instagram for more information or to purchase prints.
