Pascal Miehe

Drawing MFA

Multidisciplinary artist exploring the frustrations and freedoms of the constraints that shape our lives.


The body is my point of departure, the base confinement of every human. Lines are inherent to the body - in the veins sweeping across your hands, the hairs crawling out from beneath your skin. Drawing happens when line and body find movement.

Drawing is transformative. As the drawing changes in my mind, it may become something else. It may change media, material, dimension. It is not fixed. It becomes a woodcut, carved out and gouged. Violent. It becomes a rope; a group of yarns, plies or fibres, twisted together to create a larger and stronger form, a line made up of lines. It becomes five men in a five-way tug-of-war, their energy the material, the ink in a pen, perpetually emptied out. 

In crafting structures and constraints that can be interacted, performed with, or ‘activated’ by a group, I aim to explore intertwined systems of power and domination. I want to work out the ways in which these systems spill over or simmer beneath our everyday living. Involving multiple bodies in these works allows me to explore elements of multiplicity and mutuality and to wrestle with our collective societal interconnectedness. 

Detail from "The Battle Line" an adjustable textile panel installation

Black and white woodcut print on canvas installation view.

Still from "ARENA," 2023, HD video, colour and sound

Film still depicting 5 men taking part in a five-way tug of war.

The Battle Line" installation view

Black and white woodcut prints on canvas installation view, along with rope performance prop installed in exhibition space.
