Rebecca Lambert

Forensic Art & Facial Imaging MSc

An archaeological reconstruction of the skull of John Hand, a known murderer executed in 1824 in Sydney, Australia.


For this project the Anatomical Museum of Edinburgh graciously allowed access to their catalogue of skulls for possible archaeological facial reconstruction. After choosing a skull I was provided with a good amount of background information: Male, John Hand, Executed in 1824 for Murder in Sydney, Australia and how the skull was later obtained by The Phrenological Society of Edinburgh in 1826/27

Using this information, I found that John Hand was a convict within the Australian penal colony in New South Wales, he would ultimately be assigned into private service for a man by the name of Michael Minton whom he would later go on to murder and consequently be executed in 1824.

Using a 3D scan of the skull of John Hand and working with various faculties within the University of Dundee's Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification, I managed to confirm his sex, determine his ancestry, and give a possible age group from his cranial measurements and an analysis of his teeth. John Hand was a male, likely of European ancestry and although a specific age range could not be pinpointed due to his poor oral health, we know that he was likely an older individual. 

Armed with all this information I created The Face of John Hand.

The Face of John Hand : An Archaeological Facial Reconstruction

An archaeological facial reconstruction of a man by the name of John Hand, sculpted out of modelling wax and painted with oil paint.

John Hand; A known murderer, executed in 1824, Sydney Australia.

The Face of John Hand : An Archaeological Facial Reconstruction

An archaeological facial reconstruction of John Hand, right side profile view

The Face of John Hand : An Archaeological Facial Reconstruction

An archaeological facial reconstruction of John Hand, left side profile view
