Dr Erica Eyres


Contemporary Art Practice, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Portrait photo of Erica Eyres
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Erica Eyres is an artist, researcher and currently a Lecturer in Painting and Drawing at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. She received her BFA from the University of Manitoba in 2002, and her MFA from Glasgow School of Art in 2004. Eyres completed her PhD at Northumbria University in 2018. Her research focuses on the relationship between humour and art, specifically deadpan comedy as a methodology in contemporary art practice. Through videos, drawings and sculptures, Eyres' work explores narrative fallacies that complicate the viewer's understanding of the author's subjective truth and problematises the notion of the autobiographical. 

Frequently borrowing from the aesthetics of low-budget television, her videos centre around narratives based on her own family or people she has known and is re-told by exploiting elements of storytelling to create works of fiction that allude to the personal. 

Eyres' sculptures feature ceramic masks, deflated toys, cigarettes and items of food, often rendered depicted as though cast aside. Despite their obvious reference to costumes and disguise, the objects become dysfunctional in their concrete copies. These clay versions suggest a kind of relief sculpture that is figurative, yet deflated and absent of human form.

She has been exhibiting internationally since 2004. Recent solo exhibitions include A Bit More Exciting at OTP Copenhagen (2020); Fascinated Witness at Korai Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus (2019); Alone and I at Queen’s Park Railway Club, Glasgow (2017). Recent group exhibitions include Private Behaviour at White Columns, New York (2020); Real-Time at Seventeen Gallery, London (2020); and Mark-Making: Perspectives on Drawing at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow.