PhD project

Change, growth, or re-evaluation of priorities? Investigating response shifts in intervention and rehabilitation

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Funding availability


Application deadline

1 September 2024

The Living Well with Long-Term Conditions (LWLTC) research group is a group of researchers whose mission is to enhance the lives of people living with post-acute and long-term conditions to enable them to live well.  The group has shared interests in understanding, developing and evaluating ways to improve the lives of people living with post-acute and/or long-term conditions.  We seek to understand the experiences of people with long-term conditions, and those of stakeholders involved with the systems and services that support them.

Workstream: Understanding health-related experiences and outcomes

Diversity statement

Our research community thrives on the diversity of students and staff which helps to make the University of Dundee a UK university of choice for postgraduate research. We welcome applications from all talented individuals and are committed to widening access to those who have the ability and potential to benefit from higher education.

How to apply

  1. Email the principal supervisor to:
    • send a copy of your CV
    • discuss your potential application and any practicalities (e.g. suitable start date)
  2. After discussion with a supervisor, formal applications can be made via our direct application system. 
Learn more about applying
PhD support

PhD fees

Fees for PhD and other postgraduate research courses.

Applying for a PhD

Learn about the PhD application process.


Principal supervisor