PhD project

Developing novel targeted therapeutic approaches through induced-proximity of proteins

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Funding availability


Application deadline

30 June 2024

Protein post-translational code is at the heart of protein function and signal transduction in cells. Enzymes catalyse the addition or removal of post-translational modifications (PTM), such as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, and ubiquitylation, on proteins. Often, misregulation of these enzymes, through mutations or other causes, alters the protein code, resulting in human diseases. As such, small molecules that target the known activities of such enzymes make up the bulk of drugs currently used against diseases but there are many proteins for which activities are not known and/or cannot be targeted by small molecules.

This project aims to harness cellular enzymes to target desired post-translational modification on specific intracellular proteins through induced-proximity of enzymes to target proteins. This way, not only can we understand the function of a specific PTM on target protein but if the targeted PTM alters the protein function in a desired manner, the approach could lead to potential therapeutics. Examples of such approaches include: targeted degradation of proteins through ubiquitylation, alteration of protein function through targeted dephosphorylation, etc.

The student will be able to use cutting-edge tools in cell and molecular biology, including CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, synthetic chemistry, mass-spectrometry and immunofluorescence and learn from world-leading expertise from multiple disciplines at the School of Life Sciences in Dundee.

For informal enquiries about the project, contact Professor Gopal Sapkota.

For general enquiries about the University of Dundee, contact

Our research community thrives on the diversity of students and staff which helps to make the University of Dundee a UK university of choice for postgraduate research. We welcome applications from all talented individuals and are committed to widening access to those who have the ability and potential to benefit from higher education.

Diversity statement

Our research community thrives on the diversity of students and staff which helps to make the University of Dundee a UK university of choice for postgraduate research. We welcome applications from all talented individuals and are committed to widening access to those who have the ability and potential to benefit from higher education.

How to apply

Step 1: Email Professor Gopal Sapkota ( to:

  1. send a copy of your CV 
  2. discuss your potential application and any practicalities (e.g. suitable start date)

Step 2: After discussion with Professor Sapkota, complete the School of Life Science’s pre-application process.

PhD support

PhD fees

Fees for PhD and other postgraduate research courses.

Applying for a PhD

Learn about the PhD application process.


Principal supervisor

Second supervisor