
Donate to our Area of Greatest Need campaign

Published on 17 June 2022

You can make an immediate impact by allowing the University of Dundee to use your gift where it is needed most.

On this page

Philanthropic giving can have a significant impact on a wide range of projects - from groundbreaking research into diseases we all fear like diabetes, Parkinsons and cancer, to tackling healthcare’s biggest challenges with wellbeing initiatives such as Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

By donating to the area of greatest need today, you can ensure the impact of our key projects are accelerated further, helping us to tackle disease, advance pioneering treatments, transform lives and widen access to education.

Your support will be put to immediate use where the University needs it most. For example, your donation could help advance cutting-edge research projects or enable the purchase of vital equipment for students and researchers.

The University needs to be able to react quickly to the changing needs of its community of students, researchers and staff. Your donation will have an immediate impact by giving the University the flexibility to prioritise critical projects, seize opportunities and rise to unexpected challenges.

Ways to Give

Thank you for choosing to support the University of Dundee. Your donation will be allocated to the area of greatest need.

Direct Debit

You can make a regular gift by setting up a monthly, quarterly or annual Direct Debit online (ensuring you select "At the University's Discretion" from the drop-down menu).

Single gift

You can make a single gift online by credit or debit card by using the online form on this page.

Make sure you fill out your contact preferences, as if no indication is given we will take it that you do not want to be contacted in any way by us in the future.

BACS transfer

You can donate through your bank account by BACS Transfer - contact us for details at


Development and Alumni Relations

Campaign type Fundraising
Campaign category The Area of Greatest Need