
Donate to our Financial Aid Fund

Published on 28 November 2022

Your support ensures students have a place to turn when the unexpected happens.

On this page

The biggest worry about being a student should be making it to class on time – not about how to make ends meet. During the current cost of living crisis, we anticipate that more of our students than ever before will need financial assistance – through no fault of their own.

The Student Financial Aid Fund is there to provide a safeguard for when students need a helping hand, and your donation, of whatever size, will help students when they need it the most.

Rising living costs, the energy crisis and the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused our student community significant challenges in recent years. We have been there throughout to give a helping hand.  

This would not have been possible without people like you. 

Whether you make a one-off or monthly donation, your support will help the people who’ll change the world tomorrow, today.

Ways to give

Single gift

You can make a single gift online by credit or debit card by using the online form on this page.

Make sure you fill out your contact preferences. If no indication is given, we will take it that you do not want to be contacted in any way by us in the future.

BACS transfer

You can donate through your bank account by BACS Transfer - contact us for details at

Direct Debit

Thank you for choosing to donate to the Student Financial Aid Fund. You can make a regular gift by setting up a monthly, quarterly or annual Direct Debit online (ensuring you select "Student Financial Aid Fund" from the drop-down menu).


Development and Alumni Relations