
Donate to our Scholarship and Bursary Fund

Published on 23 May 2022

Your gift can ensure that university education is accessible to all, regardless of their background or financial situation.

On this page

The Scholarship and Bursary Fund supports students who may struggle to attend or continue at university. Scholarships and Bursaries can be life-changing for these students, and your donation today is vital to ensure their success.

“The scholarship has really helped with my studies. I have four young children at home, and I have worked part-time whilst studying. The scholarship enabled me to take some unpaid leave during exam times to allow me to focus on my studies.”

Joseph, David Peattie Bursary Scholar

Unprecedented financial pressures mean that some students may choose never to come to university, closing the door of opportunity. Those who make it to university may struggle to realise their potential and drop out because of financial pressures.

Gifts to the Scholarship and Bursary Fund are permanently endowed, and the income generated from the investment will fund scholarships for future generations of students at the University of Dundee.

Your donation will enable students with the talent and drive to study at Dundee and ensure they receive the financial support they need to succeed.

“I benefited from my experiences at university educationally, socially and personally. It feels right to support others in this.”

K Winter, donor since 2004

Ways to give

Direct Debit

Thank you for choosing to donate to the Scholarship & Bursary Fund. You can make a regular gift by setting up a monthly, quarterly or annual Direct Debit online (ensuring you select "Scholarship & Bursary Fund" from the drop-down menu).

Single gift

You can make a single gift online by credit or debit card by using the online form on this page.

Make sure you fill out your contact preferences as if no indication is given we will take it that you do not want to be contacted in any way by us in the future.

BACS transfer

You can donate through your bank account by BACS Transfer - contact us for details at


Development and Alumni Relations

Campaign type Fundraising
Campaign category Scholarships