Explore your career options: go global

Working or studying abroad allows you to experience new cultures, languages, working environments, and can boost to your employability

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“Graduates who were mobile during their degree were less likely to be unemployed and more likely to have earned a first class or upper second class degree. Those in work were more likely to be in a graduate level job and earn 5% more than their non-mobile peers”

Gone International, Universities UK 2017

Whether you are looking to spend time studying overseas, considering international work experience, or have a dream of a global graduate career, take some time to explore your international options.

You can:

  • develop global awareness and outlook to support your future career
  • improve your skills and prospects
  • meet new people and develop your confidence

Working or studying internationally is a great way to develop your networks, enhance your language and communication skills, as well as gain independence and self-confidence that will be highly valued by employers.

Working abroad

If you are thinking about applying for graduate jobs or internships internationally you may have many questions on your mind.

Our resource guides at ProspectsTARGETjobs, and Working abroad can help answer these questions.

You also have access to GoinGlobal, a comprehensive resource to support international job hunting. You will be able to explore international job and internship opportunities. You can also find key information about working and job seeking in countries across the world.

Study abroad

Spending time studying abroad during your degree is not only a fun experience which will allow you to meet new friends and experience different ways of studying – but by developing your awareness of different cultures, building your global networks and developing a ‘global mindset’ you can greatly enhance your employability.

There are lots of study abroad opportunities to explore.

Dundee Plus

Working and studying abroad can be brilliant for boosting your employability, and you can also get recognition for your experiences by taking part in our Dundee Plus award

This is a fantastic way to boost your CV and make the most of your experiences overseas.