
Careers Service Advertising Criteria

Updated on 23 March 2021

Outline of the criteria which voluntary organisations and recruitment agencies are required to follow when advertising on the Careers Service website

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All adverts must meet our criteria for advertising. We reserve the right to reject any vacancies we feel do not meet our criteria.

Vacancies advertising policy

The Careers Service welcomes all organisations to advertise job vacancies and opportunities free of charge on our JobShop. You can read more about advertising your vacancies to students and graduates on the Careers Service support for employers web page.

To post a vacancy log on or create an account on our CareersPortal.

Before logging on, please read our Terms of Use below.

How to advertise with the Careers Service JobShop

  • Create an account with our CareersPortal. You will receive a confirmation email when your organisation is approved.  The email allows you to set a login password of your choice. 
  • Log on to CareersPortal and enter the details of any opportunity you wish to advertise.
  • Provide us with complete and accurate information concerning the vacancy to enable students and graduates to make an effective application.
  • Specify a website or contact where candidates can learn more about the vacancy.
  • Once your opportunity has been published on our CareersPortal (JobShop) you will receive an email confirmation. 

Vacancy advertising guidelines

The Careers Service prides itself on working positively with employers to promote best practices in employment and recruitment, ensuring our students and graduates have access to a wide range of the highest quality opportunities.

We encourage you to read the following guidelines to assist you when positing a vacancy with us. We may be unable to advertise your vacancy if it does not adhere to the guidelines below.

UK based opportunities

Ensure that vacancies comply with relevant legislation, including:

International students

We encourage organisations to consider students of all nationalities when advertising roles with us. Please read this our short guide on recruiting international graduates and this guide on recruiting an international student for part time work.

Unpaid voluntary work

Charities can advertise unpaid voluntary work. You must supply a UK or Scottish Charity Number.

Read the SCVO’s Guide to Recruiting and Managing Volunteers for more information on best practice when advertising voluntary positions. We may not be able to advertise your voluntary position if it does not meet the SCVO’s best practice guidelines.  

International opportunities

Ensure that vacancies comply with relevant employment legislation, including minimum wage requirements, in the country where the opportunity is located.

Ensure your vacancy advert complies with UK Equal Opportunities legislation.

If a fee is involved, opportunities will be reviewed by our Employer Team member prior to approval. 

Recruitment agencies

We are happy to advertise on behalf of Recruitment Agencies and ask that, in addition to the above guidelines, you follow these guidelines which have been devised in line with our professional body, the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS):

  • Disclose the name of the employer to students/graduates within the advert. 
  • Only put graduates forward for jobs that they are interested in and of which they have been made aware.
  • Only advertise vacancies that exist.
  • Supply adequate information to prospective candidates on job specifications, terms and conditions, locations etc.
  • Only look to place graduates into jobs that are appropriate with their level of expertise, experience and education. Do not resubmit candidates who have applied directly for vacancies or been referred by another agency.

The Careers Service will advertise vacancies only where it is satisfied that such representation is clearly in the interests of our students and of the University. Please note:

Best practice considerations

In addition to the above guidelines, we would encourage you to consider the following points for best practice in employing students.

  • International Students can work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during semester-time.
  • We also recommend that all students limit semester-time working to 20 hours per week to help maintain a good study/work balance.
  • We would ask you to consider if your part-time vacancy is suitable for students before advertising with us and recommend that you offer part-time student work at a maximum of 20 hour per week.
  • Where jobs are zero hours contracts or self-employment opportunities, we ask you to clearly state this. We advise students on the pros and cons of these arrangements.
  • Essential training required to perform the job satisfactorily and safely should be included in the hourly rate or salary of the job. We advise students that undertaking unpaid training before starting a job is not best practice.
  • Advertised jobs should state hourly rate/salary and be clear about if and how commission is earned. We advise students of the pros and cons of accepting commission only roles.

Employer Team

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