
Code of Conduct for University of Dundee Accommodation

Updated on 18 June 2024

This is the code of conduct, which accompanies the University of Dundee offer of accommodation for all residents, with which you must comply.

On this page

The Code of Conduct for University of Dundee Accommodation (“the Code”) should be read in conjunction with your terms and conditions of the Accommodation Licence Agreement, University’s regulations, rules, codes and other documentation relevant to you as a student.

You should read and understand the terms and conditions set out in this Code.

By taking occupation of the Residence, you acknowledge and accept that you are considered to have read, understood, accepted, and be bound by the Code.

This Code is in 3 Parts – Part A – What You Will Do, Part B – What you will Not Do and Part C – the Consequences for Breach of the Code.

Please note alongside Part C - Any breach of the Code may be treated by the University as a material breach of your Licence Agreement, and the University’s regulations including but not limited to the Student Disciplinary Procedure. A material breach of your Licence Agreement could result in, among other things, its termination.

Any reporting to University Accommodation Staff under this Code can be made using the email address: MGautier001@dundee.ac.uk.

The definitions used in the Code are set out at the end of the Code.

Part A - What you will do

You agree to


  1. observe the terms and conditions of your Licence Agreement.

Health and Safety / Fire Safety

  1. maintain a safe environment within your residence as the University Accommodation Staff and authorised agents may have to enter the residence e.g. ensuring that cables to personal electrical equipment are safe.
  2. ensure that you are aware of the fire evacuation procedures and that you have located the relevant emergency exits, all of which could save your life.
  3. take appropriate and immediate action if you discover a fire within the Residence.
  4. leave the Residence as soon as the fire alarm sounds and move immediately to the designated assembly point. Do not re-enter the building until a designated staff member advises that it is safe to do so.
  5. keep clean and tidy the Residence including bedroom (and ensuite facilities, if applicable) you occupy including all communal areas and follow instructions given by University Accommodation Staff with regards to maintaining a reasonable level of cleanliness. If you or any of your approved guests create an excessive or unpleasant mess in the view of the University or its agents, it is your responsibility to clean it up.
  6. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of the communal facility concerned and the employment, at your expense, of contract cleaners to restore the rooms to their original condition.
  7. The University (acting reasonably) will assess liability attributable to each resident on a joint and several bases if no single resident can be identified for the mess.

Antisocial behaviour

  1. remember that you are a member of a community and should treat your fellow residents, University’s Accommodation Staff, and other members of the University community with consideration and respect at all times.
  2. remember that you are responsible for your behaviour and that of your approved guests and that you carry a collective responsibility for all the residents of your block or floor and the rest of the Residence.
  3. gain the prior written permission of University Accommodation Staff before holding a party within the Residence. Failure to obtain permission will be a material breach of your Licence Agreement. If such permission is granted, you must comply with any particular conditions laid down by the University.

Access to property / co-operation with the university

  1. cooperate with and follow the reasonable instructions of all University Accommodation Staff or identified responsible third parties (e.g. emergency services personnel) in relation to the Residence.
  2. allow free access to the Residence to all University Accommodation Staff or the domestic assistants during their working hours and have the courtesy to ensure that they do not encounter a situation which is likely to cause embarrassment or offence.
  3. allow such reasonable access to any person authorised by the University who needs access to the Residence.

Access is required amongst other things to assess standards of cleaning, inspections for compliance with this code of conduct, redecoration and repair requirements, other management reasons, and/or for the conducting of repair and maintenance work and in emergency situations.

Such persons requiring access may include University Accommodation Staff, Student Support Worker, Student Support Assistants, employees of the University’s Estates and Buildings, employees of any of the University’s contractors and/or employees of the local authority Council and Fire Brigade. Except in an emergency, access to the Residence will be restricted to normal working hours and will be limited as far as possible to cause the minimum amount of interference possible to Your private and home life.

Outside these hours, access to the Janitors, Student Support Officer, and University Accommodation Staff or other relevant personnel such as emergency services cannot be denied but such access will only take place there are reasonable grounds to do so.

  1. report to University Accommodation Staff any damages which have occurred within the Residence, or any communal area howsoever caused.
  2. identify yourself by production of room keys and/or matriculation card when requested by University Accommodation Staff or any member of the University’s staff within the Residence. This is to safeguard residents from unauthorised individuals gaining access.
  3. ensure that the general security of the Residence is safeguarded by closing and securing of all doors and windows when empty.
  4. obey all applicable rules regarding the permitted routes of access to the Residence and any restrictions on their use at stated times.
  5. clean your flat and return your keys at the end of your Licence Agreement.
  6. report to University Accommodation Staff the necessity for any repairs at the Residence or relevant communal areas. You must not instructor conduct repair work yourself. In cases of emergency, but only if University Accommodation Staff or other resident member of staff is not available, you should report the need for repair to Campus Security.
  7. report accidents to University Accommodation Staff.
  8. ensure you have a valid Television Licence if you are using a television set (or watching TV on a PC or laptop) within the Residence, corridor, flat etc. as required by applicable law. The University is not responsible for providing a licence and accepts no liability for your failure to obtain an appropriate licence.
  9. inform University Accommodation Staff if you intend to be away from the Residence for a night or more and leave a contact address and telephone number.
  10. gain permission from University Accommodation Staff to have overnight guests in your Residence. The rules regarding overnight guests will be provided to you by the site management staff. Please note you must always be present in the Residence when you have guests or visitors.
  11. comply with the University’s parking regulations.

You agree not to

Fire safety

  1. Damage, interfere with or otherwise tamper with fire safety equipment at the Residence. Fire safety equipment includes fire extinguishers, fire detector heads, fire-alarm trigger points, bells, or sounders as to inhibit their proper use.

    1A. Unlawful interference with fire safety equipment can be a criminal offence and will be treated very seriously. If you are found to have interfered with fire safety equipment this will result in an on the spot fine of £250 notwithstanding any other disciplinary action or police complaint. 

  2. smoke or vape in any part of the Residence, or allow a guest to do so including stairwells, passageways, and laundry. 
  3. Smoking or vaping inside any part of the Residence will be treated as a Fire Safety Breach under 1A.
  4. obstruct or prevent a fire door from closing.
  5. keep or use candles, fragrance burners or other banned items notified to you from time to time anywhere within the Residence.

Antisocial behaviour

  1. behave in an anti-social, antagonistic, violent, threatening, or abusive manner.
  2. be noisy, disorderly, or disruptive.
  3. behave in a manner or use any item which might create a fire hazard or threaten the safety of others. In particular, the use or storage of electrical or other forms of cooking or heating appliance within study bedrooms is not permitted.
  4. indulge in behaviour which is likely to result in damage to the Residence or property within it.
  5. consume alcohol in any area of the Residence other than the kitchen or bedrooms.

Heath and safety

  1. bring into the Residence any electrical equipment which is electrically unsafe or for which safety cannot be proved. Any portable electrical equipment brought into the Residence by You must have a sealed and factory fitted plug.
  2. bring any items of furniture into the Residence unless you have received University Accommodation Staff permission to do so.

Criminal offences

  1. bring any offensive weapon into the Residence or its environs.
  2. use, supply or otherwise be concerned in the consumption of illegal substances in the Residence.
  3. indulge with or allow any unlawful, illegal, or criminal act to take place at the Residences. If you become aware of such an act, you will immediately report it to the Police or University Accommodation Staff.

All criminal acts will be reported to the police which may make you liable for prosecution and/or termination of studies.


  1. give your keys to anyone else at any time.
  2. permit non-residents to use the facilities for which you have paid or allow access to someone who has been barred from entering the Residence.
  3. entertain guests outside the times stipulated by University Accommodation Staff except as a pre-arranged overnight guest or as otherwise permitted. Your Residence leaflet which you receive on arrival gives details of permitted hours for guests. Please note that you must always be present in the Residence when you have guests or visitors.


  1. install or cause to be installed a telephone or a refrigerator within the Residence without the written permission of University Accommodation Staff.
  2. install or cause to be installed washing machines, dish washers, tumble or spin dryers, television aerials, satellite dishes or other appliances (so far as not previously excluded) or connections to cable or similar networks within the Residence
  3. alter or cause to be altered in any way the structure, decorations, fittings, and fixtures of the Residence.
  4. other than assistance animals permitted by University Accommodation Staff, keep any pets or animals within or near the Residence or any of the grounds belonging to the University. ;Any residents with Assistance Dogs must adhere to any processes and procedures in relation thereto.
  5. bring any electrical equipment including e-bikes or e-scooters, which are strictly prohibited from the Residence and associated grounds. Any residents who use electric mobility scooters must consult with University Accommodation Staff in order to undertake a risk assessment and ensure the electric mobility scooter is safely stored, charged, and maintained.
  6. put up posters and pictures other than on the pin board.

Consequences of breaches of Code of Conduct

Your place at the residences is under threat with a serious breach of this code and/or your licence agreement. Multiple and/or continuing breaches of this code can be treated as a serious breach.

If you are found to have breached part B of the Code this can result in an on the spot fine of £250 and other disciplinary action or police complaint.

  1. Disciplinary Action by the University’s Authorised Disciplinary Officers –breaches of this Code or your Licence Agreement in addition to the consequences under contract and those set out above disciplinary action taken against you under the Student Disciplinary Procedure of the University. Such breaches may result in your studies being terminated for sufficiently serious offences.
  2. Future Accommodation Applications – Behaviour which contravenes any of the above may affect your future applications for a place in University accommodation. The University also reserves the right to reject a request to provide a reference for any future Landlord applications by a resident.


Terms used in the Code which are capitalised and otherwise have not been ascribed meaning shall have the following interpretation:

Campus Security Security staff of the University or their agents and representatives.
Licence Agreement  the agreement signed between you and the University (or its third-party suppliers, nominees or other agents) in respect of the Residence.
Residence means the accommodation assigned to you under your Licence Agreement including where relevant the communal or shared areas.
University  the University of Dundee (and its authorised agents and representatives)
University Accommodation Staff Means any staff of the University that are responsible for the residences, which includes any authorised agents or representatives of the University which may include residential staff or agents.
You, your A student of the University who has entered into the Licence Agreement.


Whilst we expect our students to have a high degree of understanding of the English language, you can request that this Code is translated into a different language – including braille – by emailing the University at: enquiry@dundee.ac.uk. Please note that not all requests can be accepted.


Corporate information category Student accommodation