
Culture and Arts Committee

Updated on 10 June 2024

Information about the membership of the Culture and Arts Committee which is a committee of Senate.

On this page

Committee remit

This committee brings together key individuals from university services and schools who are involved with cultural activity in its widest sense. The committee has a remit to share information, improve communications around cultural activity, develop joint activities and strategies, and work collaboratively to support the University’s learning and teaching, student recruitment and wider impact agendas.

Committee Membership 2024/25

Upcoming meetings for 2024/25

Meetings are held in person at 10:00. Venue to be confirmed.

Friday 2 August 2024
Thursday 28 November 2024
Tuesday 11 February 2025
Wednesday 21 May 2025
Friday 1 August 2025
Thursday 27 November 2025

Read more about Culture and Art at the University of Dundee.

Corporate information category Senate