
Heating and Cooling Policy

Updated on 18 March 2021

This policy is to enable the University to comply with statutory obligations and the Carbon reduction commitment targets set by the Scottish government

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The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and the associated code of practice states that: ‘During working hours a reasonable internal temperature must be maintained and this must not be less than 16°C’.

The University will endeavour to maintain space temperatures of between 19°C and 20°C in all its non-residential buildings during standard working hours, with the exception of areas used as workshops, storerooms, and circulation (see below).

Heating Policy

The minimum maintained temperature for all work spaces will be no less than the statutory minimum.

The following recommended temperatures for the heating season will be adopted as University policy. 

20°C :

  • Offices
  • Laboratories
  • Conference rooms
  • Sports changing


  • Lecture Halls
  • Dining areas
  • Teaching Spaces
  • Library


  • Computer rooms
  • Corridors


  • Toilets
  • Kitchens


  • Sports hall

The University acknowledges that there are limitations with some of the heating systems due to their age and layout which may mean that it is not always possible to meet the above criteria. For staff who are concerned with the level of thermal comfort, they should be reported through the Estates & Buildings helpdesk who will then notify the Energy Manager.

Estates will provide equipment to monitor and record (dates and times) over the working week the temperature to verify whether the issue is a recurring problem or caused by a one- off event.

Estates will carry out their own investigation and if temperatures are found to be below the stated levels, will provide a solution through alterations to the existing heating system or controls or supplementary heating as an interim solution only.

Staff and students should be aware that the temperature of radiators will vary dependant on needs of the room and a radiator will cool once a room has reached the design set-point. Cool radiators do not necessarily mean that the heating system is not operating.

Portable Heaters

The use of portable heaters should only be where authorised and provided by Estates and Buildings. The use of unauthorised portable heaters is not permitted as:-

  • they constitute an increased fire risk to the buildings and occupants.
  • they cause false temperatures to be sensed and prevent heating to be enabled
  • to avoid the overloading of power circuits.
  • heaters must have a current Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate.
  • any personal portable heaters brought in from home and connected to the University’s electrical system will be removed.

Occupancy Times

For the majority of buildings on the University of Dundee Campus, working hours are deemed to be 8:00am to 6:00pm. Outside these times, the heating will be ‘set-back’ to a lower temperature appropriate to the background conditions and the levels of use/occupancy experienced.

Cooling Policy

As a general rule the University will not approve the installation and running of air conditioning systems unless they are required as below:

  • By regulation or enforceable code of practice.
  • To cool areas with specific items of equipment such as server rooms or specialists scientific equipment.
  • Occupants and/or equipment consistently raise the ambient temperature to above 28°C for a period of time that is deemed unacceptable.

All set points for air conditioning in meeting/seminar rooms to be set at no lower than 22°C. Summary

The University will endeavour to provide a comfortable working environment for all staff and students. Estates will work together with end users to provide a solution suitable for all parties.

We would ask all staff and students to appreciate the environmental and financial constraints placed on the University, which dictate the enforcement of this policy.

Corporate information category Energy and environment