Code of conduct

Internship Module Student Code of Conduct

Updated on 4 September 2024

This document is for all students undertaking an internship as part of their University of Dundee Internship Modules (2024/25).

On this page

Please read this document and ensure you understand what is expected of you when undertaking your internship.

When offered an internship, I agree:

  • To inform the Careers Service at immediately if I can no longer undertake the internship offered.
  • To respond to initial contact from my Internship Supervisor, via the agreed method of contact within 3 working days.
  • On initial contact with my internship supervisor - to arrange an initial meeting to agree the details of my placement.
  • To respond to the Careers Service communications to confirm that I have successfully arranged the details of my placement within the timeframe given.
  • To advise the Careers Service urgently if I have not received contact the Internship Supervisor.
  • That if I fail to do any of the above, the placement may be offered to another student.

When undertaking my internship, I agree:

  • To attend my internship as advised by the Internship Supervisor and adhere to working practices as directed by internship Supervisor.
  • To be reliable and committed to my internship.
  • That it is my responsibility to manage my time and commitment.
  • To act professionally and appropriately, follow all instructions given by the internship supervisor paying particular attention to confidentiality and data protection.
  • To inform my Internship Supervisor immediately if I cannot attend my internship as agreed via the agreed method of contact set by the Internship Supervisor.
  • To not undertake any tasks which I judge to be dangerous or inappropriate. I must take reasonable care and work in line with the relevant Health and Safety procedure. If I am unsure about any activity, I should consult my Internship Supervisor immediately.
  • To consult the Careers Service immediately if I have any problems during my internship that cannot be resolved with my Internship Supervisor.
  • To return any property at the end of my internship.

If you require any additional support, you should inform your Internship Supervisor before your placement begins if possible. Should you need support with this from the Careers Service, please contact us.

The Careers Service will:

  • Provide you with the opportunity to discuss your internship and your progress and the opportunity to discuss any issues arising on a one-to-one basis should you require it.
  • Provide a series of accompanying development activities/taught classes on relevant subjects to accompany your internship.
  • Work hard to resolve any issues between you and your Internship Supervisor, should they occur.
  • Work with your Internship Supervisor to ensure any reasonable adjustments needed to accommodate you and the necessary support is provided.
  • Treat you equally and without discrimination.
  • Store personal data provided by you in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
  • Ask you to complete a survey to help us improve internship module(s).
  • Invite you to contribute to feedback and testimonials during your internship.
Corporate information category Employment and conditions