
Library Collection Development Policy

Updated on 7 June 2024

This Policy is a general framework within which the University of Dundee’s Library Services operate to select, manage, and review the range of information resources available.

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This Policy has been developed as a general framework within which the University of Dundee’s Library Services operate to select, manage, and review the range of information resources available. It outlines the Library’s approach to providing high quality and fit for purpose collections, supporting the University’s strategic goals for learning, teaching and research.

The policy supports the Learning & teaching framework and the University of Dundee Strategy 2022-27

The policy is supported by Library Service’s Stock Retention and Disposal Policy and by the Policy and Guidance on Reading and Resource Lists.

Key objectives

In developing and managing our collections the University Library Service will:

  • Work closely with the academic community to develop rich and diverse collections that support the University’s research and teaching priorities, and the inclusive curriculum
  • Provide equitable access to all users and be responsive to the changing and developing needs of users
  • Support the University’s EDI strategies and seek to develop inclusive and diverse collections
  • Use an electronic first approach to the provision of materials and services, where availability, access models, and cost permit
  • Meet the information needs of staff and students, noting that not every request can be satisfied
  • Investigate and exploit new publishing and delivery models to ensure value for money and an efficient approach
  • Exploit the growing global availability of Open Access content, and open educational resources
  • Ensure that our collections are searchable through Library provided and external discovery tools

Selection and provision of Information resources

  • Materials selected will support the current learning, teaching and research priorities of the University
  • The University Library aim to make effective use of available budgets and balance any competing needs according to strategic priorities
  • Commitment to drive collection development around EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) by accessing an increasingly diverse range of publishers and suppliers to encourage selection of resources from countries and regions which until now have been less represented in Library collections
  • The Library purchases materials that represent a wide variety of viewpoints and the inclusion of any title in our collections does not constitute endorsement or promotion of the work in question
  • The Library will consider for purchase any publication which has not incurred penalties under current UK legislation. The Library acknowledges that on occasion some individuals may find items in the collections to be offensive. However, items are not labelled to warn users of potentially sensitive content, nor is access restricted to them as a form of censorship. The Library will not add, or remove, any item from the collections solely at the request of an individual or group
  • Online versions will be preferred, where appropriate and affordable
  • The number of print copies or online accesses purchased will be calculated according to anticipated and actual usage patterns, and with reference to overall cost, in alignment with the Resource List Policy
  • The type and format of materials required may differ between subjects, and the Library will endeavour to make appropriate selections
  • Where at all possible, digital resources will be sourced from publishers and suppliers offering fully accessible user platforms and which supply content in accessible formats
  • Resource Lists will be used to ensure students have access to the required information resources. The Resource List Policy covers processes and expectations in detail, and on this basis the Library anticipates that modules will offer a Resource List, and that the list will be supplied to the Library at an appropriate time to allow any necessary purchasing or processing to take place
  • The Library is a member of collaborative procurement Framework Agreements for the supply of print and electronic books, serials, and databases to the Higher Education institutions of Scotland, under the Scottish Confederation of Universities and Research Libraries (SCURL). Where possible, resources will be purchased from suppliers included in the Agreements.
  • The Library may display resources to raise awareness, encourage interest and increase library usage.


Titles will be acquired in electronic format and with multi-user licences as far as possible, when purchasing for Resource List purposes. Print copies may be supplied as a secondary measure, where e-book formats are unavailable or prohibitively expensive. Print copies will be distributed across the Main Library and site libraries as appropriate to the expected demand.

The Library will endeavour to provide access to all items on a Resource List, but on occasion this may not be possible due to the material being unavailable in e-book format, out of print and unavailable, or too expensive to purchase for the likely usage.

The Library will also make use of Demand driven and Evidence based access models to support both Resource lists and general subject provision.


The Library will purchase in e-format wherever possible and will make appropriate purchases of journal publisher collections to support the needs of teaching and research.

Requests for new subscriptions should be made to the Library. As subscriptions are typically expensive, it may be necessary to consider cancellation of lesser used resources before new purchases are made. Requests must be supported by School Executive teams in alignment with School research and teaching priorities.


The library will subscribe to databases and information collections in electronic format whenever possible to maximise access for users.

Non-book media

The Library will provide access to a range of audio-visual and other resources to support teaching, learning and research. These materials must be used within the constraints of UK copyright law and the University’s Educational Recording Agency licence.

Materials in obsolete formats will not normally be retained in Library collections.


In accordance with the University regulations, an electronic version of every research thesis will be deposited in the University’s Discovery Research Portal. The Library also holds a collection of research theses from earlier years, in print format.

Institutional Repository

The Discovery Research Portal provides access to the University of Dundee’s online collection of published research material. The Discovery Research Portal policies are available for consultation.

Special Collections

Several special (rare) book collections are available in the University Archive Services, which sits within the Directorate of Library, Learning, Culture & Information. The Archive Services collecting policy and website are available for consultation.


Donations, apart from those authored by staff, are not normally accepted due to space constraints and administration costs. Any donation accepted is on the understanding that it becomes part of University Library collections and will be subject to normal collection management processes.

If you would like to offer a donation to the Library please initially send details to LLC@dundee.ac.uk for consideration by Library staff.

Ordering processes

  • The inclusion of a book title on a current module resource list will prompt the Library to attempt to purchase it
  • Requests for books for research needs, or for additional copies may be made to the Library
  • Requests for new journal titles may be submitted to the Library.

Cataloguing and classification

Information resources acquired by the Library will be recorded in the Library catalogue and search service. The resources are described according to internationally agreed standards for bibliographic description to aid discoverability and allow the exchange of data with other systems and software.

The Library includes collections that have been built over the history of the institution. Some items in the collections (and associated records in the Library catalogue and search service) may contain words and descriptions that are now seen as offensive or outdated. The Library notes that the language reflects the period in which an item was written and may reflect the attitudes of the author.

Inter Library Loans

Material not held in the Library Collections and which is not able to be purchased may instead be available for borrowing from another library through the Inter Library Loans service for eligible users. Journal articles not held in our current collections may also be requested through this service and will be supplied in electronic format.

Relegation to Storage

Books and journals which are not regularly borrowed but remain relevant to current research and teaching may be relegated to one of the Library stores on the City Campus or Medical Library campus. Further detail is available in the Stock Retention and Disposal policy

Replacement of missing or lost materials

Where items have been lost or damaged when on loan, a charge for replacement will be made and the item replaced where possible. Where items are reported as missing from stock, repeated checks will be made following which the item may be replaced where possible and appropriate.


Superseded works or outdated editions of works may be disposed of. Similarly, low use or damaged works of no scholarly interest may be considered for disposal. Print resources permanently replaced by e-resources may be considered for disposal.

The Library is a signatory to the Last Scottish Copy Policy developed by SCURL, the National Library of Scotland, and the Scottish Library and Information Council.

Withdrawn stock is collected and distributed by charities where possible, and by recycling as a final option.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to reflect the strategic priorities of the University.

Corporate information category Library