
MBChB Medicine (A100) admissions statistics by year of entry

Updated on 8 April 2024

The information on this page shows admissions statistics for MBChB Medicine (A100) by year of entry.

On this page

Medicine is a controlled subject and the number of places available each year is determined by the Scottish Funding Council. For more information, please visit the Scottish Funding Council homepage. The latest published intake targets are available on the Scottish Funding Council's Intake Targets for Medicine AY 2023-24 webpage.

The information in these tables is a guide to historic admissions data only. We, therefore, caution against using the tables to assess the likelihood of making a successful application in future cycles as:

  • the number and quality of applications can vary year-on-year
  • our selection process is reviewed annually and may therefore be subject to change



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Entry year Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
2019/0 1641 668 2674 3320 1980 387 156
2020/1 1750 861 2628 3510 1480 385 175
2021/2 2226 891 2715 3440 2090 380 169
2022/3 2306 862 2691 3290 1940 375 176
2023/24 1951 844 2675 3400 1900 570 218

2023/4 entry

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Applications Invited to Interview Offers Matriculations
  No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
1951 844 2675 3400 1900 570 218

Fee status^ 

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Home Scottish 985 625 2662 3400 1900 450 155
Home EU <5 <5 * * * <5 <5
Home Rest of UK (RUK) or ROI Irish Applicants 597 138 2723 3290 2150 65 32
Overseas 368 81 2690 3080 2270 55 31


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Yes 381 131 2646 3110 2130 90 40
No 1570 713 2680 3400 1900 480 178


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Female  1271 541 2659 3290 1900 387 139
Male 680 303 2702 3400 1910 183 79

Contextual category

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Category 1  239 222 2490 3180 1900 178 73
Category 2 241 101 2732 3270 2390 75 24
Non-contextual 1471 521 2742 3400 2270 317 121

2022/3 entry

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Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
  No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
2306 862 2691 3290 1940 375 176

Fee status^ 

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Home Scottish 1141 635 2672 3290 1940 287 133
Home EU 51 <5 * * * <5 <5
Home Rest of UK (RUK) or ROI Irish Applicants 643 106 2794 3230 2460 45 27
Overseas 471 121 2701 3240 2110 43 16


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Yes 400 57 2667 3040 2070 29 15
No 1906 805 2692 3290 1940 346 161


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Female 1493 552 2676 3240 1940 261 126
Male 812 310 2717 3290 2070 114 50
Not specified <5 <5 * * * <5 <5

Contextual category

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Category 1 200 179 2462 3210 1940 106 66
Category 2 258 69 2760 3140 2450 40 16
Non-contextual 1848 614 2749 3290 2110 229 94

2021/2 entry

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Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
  No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
2226 891 2715 3440 2090 380 169

Fee status

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Home Scottish 1008 517 2732 3440 2090 278 127
Home EU 232 28 2691 3230 2250 16 10
Home Rest of UK (RUK) or ROI Irish Applicants 568 150 2795 3280 2350 29 13
Overseas (not EU) 418 196 2610 3340 2090 57 19


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Yes 399 73 2770 3440 2340 41 15
No 1827 818 2710 3350 2090 339 154


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Female 1438 573 2697 3440 2090 271 121
Male 787 318 2748 3350 2090 109 48
Not specified <5 <5 * * * <5 <5

Contextual category

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Category 1 283 153 2631 3230 2090 120 49
Category 2 193 82 2741 3440 2250 39 16
Non-contextual 1750 656 2731 3350 2090 221 104

2020/1 entry

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Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
  No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
1750 861 2628 3510 1480 385 175

Fee status

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Home Scottish 830 493 2661 3510 1480 280 131
Home EU 277 34 2643 2960 2200 16 7
Home Rest of UK (RUK) 380 148 2670 3210 2130 42 16
Overseas (not EU) 263 186 2491 3120 1610 47 21


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Yes 282 90 2629 3020 1480 58 24
No 1468 771 2627 3510 1610 327 151


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Female 1112 535 2625 3130 1610 258 119
Male 638 326 2632 3510 1480 127 56

Contextual category

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Category 1 103 93 2453 2970 1480 63 34
Category 2 292 133 2691 3090 2260 72 27
Non-contextual 1355 635 2640 3510 1610 250 114

2019/20 entry

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Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
  No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
1641 668 2674 3320 1980 387 156

Fee status

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Home Scottish 816 379 2719 3280 1980 257 113
Home EU 305 34 2726 3100 2280 27 10
Home Rest of UK (RUK) 364 138 2708 3320 2020 69 19
Overseas (not EU) 156 117 2468 3030 1980 34 14


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Yes 278 83 2653 3130 2020 65 27
No 1363 585 2677 3320 1980 322 129


  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Female 1062 430 2658 3270 1980 264 103
Male 579 238 2703 3320 2050 123 53

Contextual category

  Applications Invited to interview Offers Matriculations
    No. Average UCAT Highest UCAT Lowest UCAT    
Category 1 79 71 2499 2930 1980 41 23
Category 2 284 106 2712 3140 2100 66 23
Non-contextual 1278 491 2691 3320 1980 280 110


  1. UCAT data represents Total Scores for applicants who were invited to interview and:
    1. Is for tests undertaken in the year of application only.
    2. Is shown where held.
  2. UCAT Situational Judgement (SJT) Bands are not used as part of the initial selection for interview process. 
  3. Data protection:
    1. It is the University’s policy to express numbers between 0 and 4 as <5 in order to avoid releasing any personal information.
    2. *Denotes values suppressed for data protection purposes.
  4. Contextual Category:
    1. Please refer to our Contextual Admissions Policy here for full details: Contextual admissions policy | University of Dundee
    2. From 2021/2 entry applicants with multiple Category 2 factors who our Admissions team have considered eligible for Category 1 status are included within the Category 1 data.
  5. ^Fee Status: As a result of Brexit, we amended our fee status rules with effect from 2022/3 entry. Applicants who would previously have been assessed as Home EU fee status are now included within the other remaining fee status categories depending on their residential status. Some applicants remain categorised as Home EU for operational reasons.
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