
Nursery access and storage of information policy (for parents)

Updated on 19 April 2023

How we store personal information about parents, children, and staff, and which information parents are able to access.

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At The University of Dundee Nursery Ltd we have an open access policy in relation to accessing information about the nursery and parents’ own children. This policy is subject to the laws relating to data protection and document retention. 

Parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures of the nursery which govern the way in which the nursery operates. These may be viewed at any time when the nursery is open, simply by asking the nursery manager or by accessing the file in both offices and on the nursery website. The nursery manager or any other relevant staff member will also explain any policies and procedures to parents or use any other methods to make sure that parents understand these in line with the nursery’s communications policy.

Parents are also welcomed to see and contribute to all the records that are kept on their child. However, we must adhere to data protection laws and, where relevant, any guidance from the relevant agencies for child protection. 

As we hold personal information about staff and families, we are registered under data protection law with the Information Commissioner’s Office. All parent, child and staff information are stored securely according to the requirements of General Data Protection Regulation 2018 including details, permissions, certificates and photographic images. We will ensure that staff understand the need to protect the privacy of the children in their care as well as the legal requirements that exist to ensure that information relating to the child is handled in a way that ensures confidentiality.

The nursery’s records and documentation are kept and stored in accordance with minimum legal archiving requirements. We currently archive records for at least 21 years and three months.  

This policy will be reviewed annually and amended according to any change in law/legislation.

Document information

Date policy adopted 7 October 2022
Signed on behalf of Nursery Jacky Jones, Senior Manager,

Malgorzata Mazanka, Junior Manager
Date for review 7 October 2023

Jacky Jones

From Nursery
Corporate information category Nursery