
Nursery accidents and first aid policy

Updated on 19 April 2023

How the Nursery aims to protect the children in its care with its accidents and first aid policy.

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You have the right to give your opinion and for adults to listen and taken seriously.                                                                                                                                 

UNCRC, Article 7

At The University of Dundee Nursery Ltd we aim to always protect children. We recognise that accidents or incidents may sometimes occur. We follow this policy and procedure to ensure that all parties are supported and cared for when accidents or incidents happen; and that the circumstances of the accident or incident are reviewed with a view to minimising any future risks

The Nursery keeps records of illnesses, accidents, and injuries, together with an account of any first aid treatment, non‐prescription medication or treatment given to a child.


Location of accident/incidents files: Office – DUSA building and in each room in Airlie Place Building

  • The person responsible for reporting accidents, incidents or near misses is the member of staff who saw the incident or was first to find the child where there are no witnesses. They must record it on an Accident Form and report it to the nursery manager / room senior. Other staff who have witnessed the accident may also countersign the form and, in more serious cases, provide a statement. This should be done as soon as the accident is dealt with, whilst the details are still clearly remembered. Parents must be shown the Accident Report, informed of any first aid treatment given and asked to sign it as soon as they collect their child.
  •  If non-qualified member of staff witnessing accident/incident they can complete an Accident/Incident form, however a fully qualified member of staff must supervise.
  • Only fully qualified member of staff can deal with an accident/incident. Non-qualified are welcome to observe as part of their training.
  • In case if for any reason form was not completed Room Senior must contact parents/carers via phone and update them about accident/incident and form must be given to parents the day after. .
  • The Junior Nursery Manager reviews the accident forms monthly for patterns, e.g. one child having a repeated number of accidents, a particular area of the nursery or a particular time of the day when most accidents happen. Any patterns will be investigated by the nursery manager and all necessary steps to reduce risks are put in place
  • The Junior or Senior Nursery Manager will report serious accidents to the registered person for investigation for further action to be taken (i.e. a full risk assessment or report under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR))
  • The Accident File will be kept for at least 21 years and three months
  • Where medical attention is required, a senior member of staff will notify the parent(s) as soon as possible whilst caring for the child appropriately
  • Where medical treatment is required the Senior or Junior Nursery Manager will follow the insurance company procedures, which may involve informing them in writing of the accident
  • The nursery manager/registered provider will report any accidents of a serious nature to the Care Inspectorate and the local authority child protection team (where necessary). Where relevant such accidents will also be reported to the local authority environmental health department or the Health and Safety Executive and their advice followed Notification must be made as soon as is reasonably practical, but in any event within 14 days of the incident occurring. Such incidents must also be reported to the University of Dundee Health and Safety Services team.

First aid

The first aid boxes are located in:


  1. in the staff room
  2. in children’s toilet
  3. at the front of the ramp
  4. in first aid/outing bag
  5. in evacuation bag

DUSA staff room  – COVID BAG

Airlie Place

  1. Office – on the files shelf
  2. Baby Room:
  •  Kitchen unit
  •  First Aid/Outing bag
  •  Evacuation Bag

Puffins Staff Room – COVID BAG

  1. Wildcats Room:
  •  Kitchen unit
  •  First Aid/Outing bag
  •  Evacuation Bag
  •  Carpet Room in kitchen unit

Wildcats Staff Room – COVID BAG

  1. Wild Cat corridor
  •  Evacuation Bag located on the wall next to the room
  1. Pine Marten Room
  •  Kitchen unit
  •  First Aid/Outing bag
  •  Evacuation Bag

Pine Marten Staff Room – COVID BAG

These are always accessible with appropriate content for use with children.

The appointed person responsible for first aid checks the contents of the boxes regularly monthly. There is a nominated person in each room in both buildings who replaces items that have been used or are out of date.

The staff first aid box is kept Staff Kitchen – DUSA . This is kept out of reach of the children.

The nursery kitchen is Airlie Place has an appropriate kitchen first aid box; the cook is responsible for checking this box regularly.

First aid boxes should only contain items permitted by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations Act 1981, such as sterile dressings, bandages, and eye pads. No other medical items, such as paracetamol should be kept in first aid boxes.

The appointed person(s) responsible for monitoring first aid is each room.

All of the staff are trained in paediatric first aid and this training is updated every three years. A first aid box is taken on all outings.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

The nursery provides staff with PPE according to the need of the individual task or activity. Staff must wear PPE to protect themselves and the children during tasks that involve contact with bodily fluids. PPE is also provided for domestic tasks. Staff are consulted when choosing PPE to ensure all allergies and individual needs are supported and this is evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Dealing with blood

We may not be aware that a child attending the nursery has a condition that may be transmitted via blood. Any staff member dealing with blood must:

  • Always take precautions when cleaning wounds as some conditions such as hepatitis or HIV can be transmitted via blood.
  • Wear disposable gloves and wipe up any blood spillage with disposable cloths, neat sterilising fluid or freshly diluted bleach (one part diluted with 10 parts water). Such solutions must be carefully disposed of immediately after use.

Needle puncture and sharps injury

We recognise that injuries from needles, broken glass and so on may result in blood-borne infections and that staff must take great care in the collection and disposal of this type of material. For the safety and well-being of the employees, any staff member dealing with needles, broken glass etc. must treat them as contaminated waste. If a needle is found the local authority must be contacted to deal with its disposal.

Document information

Date policy adopted 7 October 2022
Signed on behalf of Nursery Jacky Jones, Senior Manager,

Malgorzata Mazanka, Junior Manager
Date for review 7 October 2023

Jacky Jones

From Nursery
Corporate information category Nursery