
Overtime policy

Updated on 21 June 2024

Details of the University's policy on overtime for grades of staff within the Framework Agreement pay structure.

On this page

This sets out the University's policy on overtime for different grades of staff within the Framework Agreement pay structure.

Overtime is defined as hours worked at the request of the School/Directorate in excess of the basic full time weekly hours of work (35 for Grades 1-6 ).

Where part time staff work more than their normal hours Monday - Friday, but less than the full time hours, this is payable as plain time whether in time off in lieu or payment.

Grades 7 and above

Staff in Grade 7 and above work the number of hours required to fulfil the duties of the post.

In normal circumstances therefore, no payment, remuneration or reward is made for hours worked which may for other grades be considered to be additional.

There are occasions where substantial overtime may be worked and this may be considered for a nonconsolidated payment.

The procedure for the award of such a payment is outlined in the Framework Agreement

Grades 3 - 6

Staff in Grades 3 - 6 work a fixed number of hours per week (35 hours).

Normal working hours are defined as 09:00 to 17:00 with one hour off for lunch, but commencement and leaving times may be agreed in accordance with the requirements of each School/Directorate provided a week of 35 hours is worked.

Where a member of staff is requested to work overtime, time off in lieu will be taken at times to be jointly agreed between the member of staff and the appropriate line manager.

In cases where time off in lieu is not appropriate or possible and with the agreement of the Dean of School/Director or budget holder, payment for hours worked over 35 will be made at the appropriate enhanced rate.

Grades 1 - 2

Staff in Grades 1 - 2 work a fixed number of hours per week (35 hours).

Times of commencing and leaving may be fixed in accordance with the requirements of each School/Directorate, provided an average of 35 hours per week is worked.

The number of hours normally worked in a week may vary in a cycle of duty providing that the average number of hours per week for the complete cycle is 35 hours.

Overtime is paid at the appropriate rate, not taken as time off in lieu unless this is agreed by the Dean of School/Director.

Overtime rates

Enhanced rates for overtime are defined as time and a half, Monday to Saturday and double time on Sundays. Enhanced rates for weekend work would apply to part-time staff working extra hours on Saturday/Sunday.

These arrangements apply where the School/Directorate specifically requests the member of staff to work extra or overtime.

They do not apply to flexible arrangements agreed with individuals. Special arrangements apply where weekend, or evening working on a rota basis is contractual and part of the normal working week or where staff are requested to be available for Emergency Call Outs. There are other specific patterns of work which may attract enhanced payments for Unsocial hours, Nightwork, Shiftwork, Split Duties, Stand-in Duties and Call-outs.

In order to avoid detriment, where it can be verified that existing staff in post at the time of the Framework implementation have been previously remunerated at double time for working on Saturday after 12:00 (either in the form of time off in lieu or payment), staff will preserve the right to continue to be remunerated at double time for work on Saturday after 12:00 as long as they remain in their current post.

Framework Agreement

The Framework Agreement is available on the People Sharepoint website.


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