Rules and regulations

PhD by Publication regulations

Updated on 25 May 2016

Regulations for candidates for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Publication

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(Note: The powers and duties conferred upon the Senatus under the sections marked + have been delegated to the individual School Boards.)


1.1 The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by publication may be awarded following successful completion of a narrative thesis presented along with a portfolio of relevant published work which reflects specialised, original, advanced knowledge, understanding and practice at the frontiers of the subject or professional area.

1.2 In cases where the portfolio of relevant published work contains multi‐authored works then a clear and verifiable account must be given of the candidate’s original and individual contribution to the work in question.

1.3 The narrative thesis shall consist of a critical analysis of the work submitted (between 10,000 and 20,000 words in length) covering the development of the candidate’s submitted work and its contribution to the field in general.

2.1 The Degree is granted on the basis that the narrative thesis and portfolio of published work, taken together, demonstrates that the candidate’s work has involved the creation and interpretation of new knowledge and understanding, through original research, or other advanced scholarship, of a quality that has satisfied peer review, extended the forefront of the discipline, and has been published in an appropriate scholarly context.

2.2 The published work should demonstrate

  1. a systematic acquisition, understanding and interpretation of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or area of professional practice;
  2. the general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline;
  3. an appropriate level of understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.


+ 3.1 Before being admitted as a candidate for the Degree, a candidate must have obtained, as a minimum, a Degree with Honours of the First or Second class in the University or in another university or institution recognised for this purpose by the Senatus Academicus. A relevant Master's Degree can compensate a first degree classification by one level. Individual Schools may apply additional requirements. The Senatus may, in exceptional circumstances, admit a candidate who possesses such other qualifications as it may approve for the purpose.

3.2 A candidate must not already possess a doctoral degree in the same discipline as the proposed submission for the degree of PhD by Publication.

+ 4 An application for admission as a candidate for the Degree must be submitted to the Senatus Academicus.

Duration of study

5.1 The normal and minimum period of registration for the Degree shall be 12 months of part‐time study.

5.2 The maximum period of registration for the Degree shall be two calendar years of part‐ time study. An extension to this maximum period may be granted by the appropriate School Board for good cause on the recommendation of the supervisor(s).


6 A candidate for the Degree shall be required to matriculate in the University as a part‐time student and to pay the prescribed tuition, matriculation and/or submission fees applicable.


7.1 A supervisor or supervisors of the candidate's work shall be appointed by the School Board.

7.2 A candidate shall report to the supervisors on such occasions and in such manner as the supervisors may require.


+ 8.1 The Senatus, on the recommendation of the School Board, shall appoint the University member of a committee to examine the thesis. The Court, on the recommendation of the Senatus as advised by the School Board, shall appoint two external examiners who shall not be members of the University.

8.2 An Examining Committee shall consist of three members: one internal examiner who shall be the convener, and two external examiners. The candidate's supervisor(s) may not be examiners.

9 Each member of the Examining Committee must be provided with a complete copy of the narrative thesis and the portfolio of published works in an approved style. Each copy shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by the candidate that work to be examined has not been accepted in fulfilment of the requirements for any other degree or professional qualification.

10 Each candidate for the Degree shall be required to submit to a viva voce examination.

11 The Examining Committee shall report to the Registry within a period of three months from the date of submission of the narrative thesis and portfolio by the candidate. Thereafter, the report of the Examining Committee shall be submitted to the Senatus at the meeting immediately following the date of the receipt of the report by the Registry.

12 The examiners shall prepare a joint report after the viva voce examination which shall include an agreed recommendation. In the exceptional case of irreconcilable disagreement between the examiners, each shall submit a separate report and the Senatus shall have the power to recommend to the Court the appointment of a further external examiner or examiners to examine the thesis.

Approved by Senate on March 28 2012

Amendments approved by Senate on May 25 2016


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