
Recorded statistics of animal research procedures

Updated on 10 May 2024

Details of recorded animal research procedures from 2019 - 2023.

On this page

Number of regulated procedures recorded between 2019-2023 

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
TOTAL 32,670 20,262 22,502 22,312 21,299
Mouse 31,579 19,928 22,336 22,064 20,906
Rat 988 256 155 203 173
Frog 103 78 11 45 220

Scientific purpose of mice recorded between 2019-2023 

Mice 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
TOTAL 31,579 19,928 22,336 22,064 20,906
Breeding Established Lines 20,827 13,961 13,163 12,794 12,046
Other Scientific Use 10,752 5,967 9,173 9,270 8,860

Actual severities experienced by all species recorded between 2019 and 2023

Severity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
TOTAL 32,670 20,262 22,502 22,312 21,299
Sub Threshold 21,591 14,777 15,484 15,935 13,795
Mild 7,633 4,165 5,305 4,135 4,790
Moderate 2,784 884 1,235 1,719 2,312
Severe 83 21 84 23 10
Non recovery 579 415 394 500 392


Number of non-regulated procedures recorded between 2019-2023 

In 2017, the Home Office required the Establishment to count the use of animals bred for scientific purposes but not used in any regulated procedure. In subsequent years, the University has continued to collect these summary data.

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
TOTAL 5,814 4,048 2,909 3,766 2,934
Mice 5,109 3,740 2,176 2,877 2,195
Rats 705 308 733 889 739
Rehomed rats 5 26 9 3 12
Animals in research

Further information about the University's policies to minimise the use of animals in research.


Biological Services

Corporate information category Research governance