
Special leave

Updated on 5 February 2021

Definitions and types of special leave that can be considered by the University

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Voluntary public service

Employees should obtain the agreement of the University by putting requests in writing to the University Secretary, before undertaking voluntary public service. For such employees the University shall grant, subject to the exigencies of the service, special leave with pay, not exceeding 18 days in any period of 12 months for the purpose of carrying out duties such as:

  • a Justice of the Peace
  • a member of a local authority
  • a member of any statutory tribunal etc

Any special leave authorised for public duties may be taken in days or half days, as required, with the prior agreement of the employee's Discipline Lead/Dean of School/Director, or their Nominee, for each absence from duty. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld.

Any employee who is appointed Chairperson, or equivalent, of a public body and thereby attracts additional duties, may be granted up to an additional 6 days' paid leave for carrying out such additional duties including any magisterial duties.

Employees who are granted paid special leave in accordance with paragraph (1) and (2) above should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. If the attendance allowance is greater than a day's pay, then unpaid leave should be given. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

Volunteer reserve forces

The University will grant, in addition to the normal leave entitlement, 5 days with pay for employees who are required to attend training exercises, summer camps etc. This should be agreed with the Discipline Lead/Dean of School/Director.

Judiciary / courts / tribunals

Jury service

Employees who are called for jury service will be granted special leave with pay. Employees who are granted paid special leave for Jury Service should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received, other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

Witness having a Crown citation

Employees who are cited by the Crown as a witness will be granted special leave with pay. Employees who are granted paid special leave as a witness should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received, other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

Employment tribunals

Paid time off to attend will be granted as an applicant or as a witness where the University of Dundee is the respondent.

Other tribunals

No paid leave granted for attendance at other tribunals. Employees are required to use holiday entitlement or request unpaid leave when absent.

From People
Corporate information category Absences and related
Collection Staff absence