Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for University of Dundee staff

Updated on 21 June 2024

Conditions of service for University of Dundee staff including information about annual leave.

On this page

General arrangements and procedures 

1. Conditions of service for staff

These are issued to all new members of staff along with their contract along with other general Human Resources procedures.

2. Annual leave and holiday arrangements for staff

These are as outlined within the Conditions of Service for staff and as described on the People Support team website. There is no carry forward of Annual Leave entitlement from one leave year to the next except in exceptional circumstances.

3. Guidelines for special leave for public duties

Voluntary public service

  1. Employees should obtain the agreement of the University by putting requests in writing to the University Secretary, before undertaking voluntary public service. For such employees the University shall grant, subject to the exigencies of the service, special leave with pay, not exceeding 18 days in any period of 12 months for the purpose of carrying out duties such as:
    1. a Justice of the Peace
    2. a member of a local authority
    3. a member of any statutory tribunal, etc.
  2. Any special leave authorised for public duties may be taken in days or half days, as required, with the prior agreement of the employee's Discipline Lead/Dean of School/Director, or their Nominee, for each absence from duty. Such agreement should not be unreasonably withheld.
  3. An employee who is appointed Chairperson, or equivalent, of a public body and thereby attracts additional duties, may be granted up to an additional 6 days' paid leave for carrying out such additional duties including any magisterial duties.
  4. Employees who are granted paid special leave in accordance with paragraph (1) to (3) above should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. If the attendance allowance is greater than a day's pay, then unpaid leave should be given. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

Volunteer reserve forces

The University will grant, in addition to the normal leave entitlement, 5 days with pay for employees who are required to attend training exercises, summer camps etc. This should be agreed with the Discipline Lead/Dean of School/Director.

4. Judiciary, courts, and tribunals

Jury Service

Employees who are called for Jury service will be granted special leave with pay. Employees who are granted paid special leave for Jury Service should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received, other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

Witness having a Crown Citation

Employees who are cited by the Crown as a witness will be granted special leave with pay. Employees who are granted paid special leave as a witness should undertake to refund to the University any fees for attendance allowances received, other than fees or allowances paid specifically as travelling and subsistence expenses. The University shall pay no travelling or subsistence expenses.

No formal Crown Citation

No paid leave granted. Employees are required to use holiday entitlement or request unpaid leave when absent.

Employment tribunals

Paid time off to attend will be granted as an Applicant or as a Witness where the University of Dundee is the Respondent.

Other tribunals

No paid leave granted for attendance at other tribunals. Employees are required to use holiday entitlement or request unpaid leave when absent.

5. Appointments

General Practitioner or Dentist

Employees are encouraged to look after their health and wellbeing and should make medical appointments (doctor/dentist) out with normal working hours wherever possible, however where this may not be practical, employees should endeavour to obtain appointments which cause least disruption to their work area e.g. first thing in the morning or last thing at night. All requests for time off should be made to the appropriate line manager.


For personal hospital appointments, (reasonable) paid time off will be granted on request. (Evidence of appointment may be requested.)

6. Time off in lieu (TOIL) (Clerical and technical staff)

University Policy is that TOIL is granted rather than payment for overtime. TOIL should be managed such a way that there is not a large balance outstanding and TOIL agreed should be given/taken as soon as is practicable. It is recommended that the outstanding balance of TOIL should not exceed one week. It should also be noted that, unlike annual leave, the balance of TOIL might be carried forward from one leave year to the next.

In exceptional circumstances where an excessive amount of TOIL has been worked, Discipline Lead/Dean of School/Director should consult the People Support team regarding payment for all or a proportion of this time. The importance of management and employee mutually agreeing TOIL and Annual Leave arrangements is emphasised.

Grades 1- 6 terms and conditions

These are the general terms and conditions for full-time Grades 1 to 6 staff. Part-time staff terms and conditions are pro-rata.

Hours of work

35 hours per week. Usually 09:00-17:00, with a one hour unpaid lunch break.

Notice period

A member of staff may resign by giving one month's notice in writing to the University. 

Annual leave

Annual leave allowance for all staff is 42 days annually (pro rata). This will include 7/8 designated days over the existing winter break, and 3 further designated days over Easter and the May bank holiday. For grades 1 to 2 the University may designate some days to be taken as annual leave.

Salary payment

Payment is made monthly in arrears.


Employees are eligible if aged 16 to 75.  Contributions are made by both the employee and the University, with the University meeting the balance of the cost of the benefits, to the University of Dundee Superannuation and Life Assurance Scheme. You will be automatically enrolled into the University of Dundee Superannuation and Life Assurance Scheme (UoDSS), if you are eligible, and meet the qualifying criteria.  You will be postponed from being automatically enrolled for up to three months from the start of your employment.  If you wish to opt-out of UoDSS a 'Notice to Opt-out of Pension Savings' form will need to be completed.


There is no default retirement age.

Occupational sick pay scheme

There is an occupational sick pay scheme where the period of entitlement to paid sick leave is based on the length of continuous service. After 5 years service an employee is eligible for 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay.

Work / life balance policies

There is a range of policies designed to support staff to balance work and home life and deal with personal responsibilities, as well as some of life´s major events. These include Adoption Leave, Compassionate Leave, Bereavement Leave, Family Leave, Children and Dependants Leave, Fertility Treatment Leave, Flexible Working, Foster Care Leave, Job share / Part-time Working, Maternity Leave,  Shared Parental Leave, Unpaid Parental Leave and Paternity / Maternity Support Leave.

Academic staff terms and conditions

Working time is that reasonably required to fulfil the duties of the post.

Annual leave

Annual leave allowance for all staff is 42 days annually (pro rata). This will include 7/8 designated days over the existing winter break, and 3 further designated days over Easter and the May bank holiday.

Notice period

The member of staff may resign the appointment by giving 3 months’ notice in writing to the University and can only leave at the end of a semester.

Exceptionally however, the member of staff can leave prior to the beginning of the first semester subject to:-  

  1. the 3 months’ written notice given by the member of staff being completely served during the summer vacation period before commencement of the first semester
  2. or with written agreement from the Dean of School that completion of the 3 months’ notice before commencement of the first semester can be waived.

Pay scales

Payment is made on the University of Dundee Staff salary scale which is reviewed annually. After more than 6 months employment (before 1 April), an increment is payable annually on 1 October up to the maximum of the grade.

For Clinical Posts, payment is made on the Clinical Academic Staff salary scale which is reviewed annually. After more than 6 months employment (before 1 April), an increment is payable annually on 1 October up to the maximum of the grade.

Salary payment

Payment is made monthly in arrears.


Contributions are made by both the employee and the University, with the University meeting the balance of the cost of the benefits, to the Universities Superannuation Scheme.  You will be contractually enrolled into the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) from the start of your employment.  If you wish to opt-out of USS an 'Opt-out Notice' will need to be completed.


There is no default retirement age.

Occupational sick pay scheme

There is an occupational sick pay scheme where the period of entitlement to paid sick leave is based on the length of continuous service. After 5 years´ service an employee is eligible for 6 months ´full pay´ and 6 months ´half pay´.

Work / life balance policies

There is a range of policies designed to support staff to balance work and home life and deal with personal responsibilities, as well as some of life´s major events. These include Adoption Leave, Compassionate Leave, Bereavement Leave, Family Leave, Children and Dependants Leave, Fertility Treatment Leave, Flexible Working, Foster Care Leave, Job share / Part-time Working, Maternity Leave, Shared Parental Leave, Unpaid Parental Leave and Paternity / Maternity Support Leave.


The University's selection procedure requires that successful candidates for these posts have their qualifications and professional registration validated. You will be asked in your contract of employment to bring original copies of our first degree and above to the People Support team to be copied and recorded.

Disclosure Scotland checks (PVG)

The post for which you are applying may require the successful applicant to undergo a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) check through Disclosure Scotland prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Dundee fulfils its legal duties under the Act.

If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) Report. The University will make a Disclosure (PVG) application to Disclosure Scotland which will reveal any past criminal convictions (spent or unspent) or inclusion on the Disqualified From Working with Children List. Any non-conviction information held locally by the police may also be disclosed should this be considered relevant to the position.

Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified From Working with Children List.

Relocation expenses

The University makes a contribution towards relocation expenses incurred by newly appointed members of staff in moving to Dundee to take up their appointments. The reimbursement is subject to a maximum of the equivalent of one month's gross pay calculated on basic starting salary (this does not include any shift allowances, out of hours intensity supplements, distinction awards, etc). Additional assistance may be given in respect of removals from overseas. If relocation expenses are paid and the member of staff leaves within two years, the University will require repayment of any such relocation expenses. Less than 2 years will be reimbursed on a fractional basis. Recovery will be at the rate of 1/24th for each month less than 2 years worked and will be automatically deducted from the final salary payment.

Academic related staff terms and conditions

These are the general terms and conditions for full-time Academic Related staff. Part-time staff terms and conditions are pro-rata.

Hours of work

Working time is that reasonably required to fulfil the duties of the post.

Annual leave

Annual leave allowance for all staff is 42 days annually (pro rata). This will include 7/8 designated days over the existing winter break, and 3 further designated days over Easter and the May bank holiday.

Notice period

A member of staff may resign by giving three months’ notice in writing to the University.

Pay scales

Payment is made on the University of Dundee Staff salary scale which is reviewed annually. After more than 6 months employment (before 1 April), an increment is payable annually on 1 October up to the maximum of the grade.

Salary payment

Payment is made monthly in arrears.


Contributions are made by both the employee and the University, with the University meeting the balance of the cost of the benefits, to the Universities Superannuation Scheme.  You will be contractually enrolled into the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) from the start of your employment.  If you wish to opt-out of USS an 'Opt-out Notice' will need to be completed.


There is no default retirement age.

Occupational sick pay scheme

There is an occupational sick pay scheme where the period of entitlement to paid sick leave is based on the length of continuous service. After 5 years´ service an employee is eligible for 6 months ´full pay´ and 6 months ´half pay´.

Work / life balance policies

There is a range of policies designed to support staff to balance work and home life and deal with personal responsibilities, as well as some of life´s major events. These include Adoption Leave, Compassionate Leave, Bereavement Leave, Family Leave, Children and Dependants Leave, Fertility Treatment Leave, Flexible Working, Foster Care Leave, Jobshare / Part-time Working, Maternity Leave, Shared parental Leave, Unpaid Parental Leave and Paternity / Maternity Support Leave.


The University's selection procedure requires that successful candidates for these posts have their qualifications and professional registration validated. You will be asked in your contract of employment to bring original copies of your first degree and above to the People Support team to be copied and recorded.

Disclosure Scotland (PVG) checks

The post for which you are applying may require the successful applicant to undergo a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) check through Disclosure Scotland prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Dundee fulfils its legal duties under the Act.

If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) Report. The University will make a Disclosure (PVG) application to Disclosure Scotland which will reveal any past criminal convictions (spent or unspent) or inclusion on the Disqualified From Working with Children List. Any non-conviction information held locally by the police may also be disclosed should this be considered relevant to the position.

Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified From Working with Children List.

Relocation expenses

The University makes a contribution towards relocation expenses incurred by newly appointed members of staff in moving to Dundee to take up their appointments. The reimbursement is subject to a maximum of the equivalent of one month's gross pay calculated on basic starting salary (this does not include any shift allowances, out of hours intensity supplements, distinction awards, etc). Additional assistance may be given in respect of removals from overseas. If relocation expenses are paid and the member of staff leaves within two years, the University will require repayment of any such relocation expenses. Less than 2 years will be reimbursed on a fractional basis. Recovery will be at the rate of 1/24th for each month less than 2 years worked and will be automatically deducted from the final salary payment.

Research staff terms and conditions

These are the general terms and conditions for full-time Research staff. Part-time staff terms and conditions are pro-rata.

Hours of work

Working time is that reasonably required to fulfil the duties of the post.

Annual leave

Annual leave allowance for all staff is 42 days annually (pro rata). This will include 7/8 designated days over the existing winter break, and 3 further designated days over Easter and the May bank holiday.

Notice period

A member of staff may resign by giving one months' notice for Training Grade 7, and three months’ notice for Grade 7 and above.

Pay scales

Non Clinical Research Payment is made on the University of Dundee Staff salary scale which is reviewed annually. An increment is payable on the anniversary of appointment, subject to availability if externally funded.

Clinical Research Payment is made on the Clinical Academic Staff salary scale which is reviewed annually. After more than 6 months employment (before 1 April) an increment is payable annually on 1 October up to the maximum of the grade.

Salary payment

Payment is made monthly in arrears.


Contributions are made by both the employee and the University, with the University meeting the balance of the cost of the benefits, to the Universities Superannuation Scheme.  You will be contractually enrolled into the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) from the start of your employment.  If you wish to opt-out of USS an 'Opt-out Notice' will need to be completed.


There is no default retirement age.

Occupational sick pay scheme

There is an occupational sick pay scheme where the period of entitlement to paid sick leave is based on the length of continuous service. After 5 years´ service an employee is eligible for 6 months ´full pay´ and 6 months ´half pay´.

Work / life balance policies

There is a range of policies designed to support staff to balance work and home life and deal with personal responsibilities, as well as some of life´s major events. These include Adoption Leave, Compassionate Leave, Bereavement Leave, Family Leave, Children and Dependants Leave, Fertility Treatment Leave, Flexible Working, Foster Care Leave, Jobshare / Part-time Working, Maternity Leave, Parental Leave and Paternity / Maternity Support Leave.

Disclosure Scotland checks

The post for which you are may require the successful applicant to undergo a satisfactory Disclosure check through Disclosure Scotland prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Dundee fulfils its legal duties under the Act.

If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure Report. The University will make a Disclosure application to Disclosure Scotland which will reveal any past criminal convictions (spent or unspent) or inclusion on the Disqualified From Working with Children List. Any non-conviction information held locally by the police may also be disclosed should this be considered relevant to the position.

Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified From Working with Children List.

Relocation expenses

The University makes a contribution towards relocation expenses incurred by newly appointed members of staff in moving to Dundee to take up their appointments. The reimbursement is subject to a maximum of the equivalent of one month's gross pay calculated on basic starting salary (this does not include any shift allowances, out of hours intensity supplements, distinction awards, etc). Additional assistance may be given in respect of removals from overseas. If relocation expenses are paid and the member of staff leaves within two years, the University will require repayment of any such relocation expenses. Less than 2 years will be reimbursed on a fractional basis. Recovery will be at the rate of 1/24th for each month less than 2 years worked and will be automatically deducted from the final salary payment.

Professorial staff terms and conditions

These are the general terms and conditions for full-time Professorial staff. Part-time staff terms and conditions are pro-rata.

Hours of work

Working time is that reasonably required to fulfil the duties of the post.

Annual leave

Annual leave allowance for all staff is 42 days annually (pro rata). This will include 7/8 designated days over the existing winter break, and 3 further designated days over Easter and the May bank holiday.

Notice period

The Professor may resign the appointment by giving in writing to the University six months’ notice of resignation.

Pay scales

Payment is made on the University of Dundee Staff salary scale. Salary increases for Professorial staff match the nationally agreed cost of living increases which are agreed by JNCHES. In addition, Professorial salary levels are reviewed by the University Remuneration Committee every October.

Salary payment

Payment is made monthly in arrears.


Contributions are made by both the employee and the University, with the University meeting the balance of the cost of the benefits, to the Universities Superannuation Scheme.  You will be contractually enrolled into the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) from the start of your employment.  If you wish to opt-out of USS an 'Opt-out Notice' will need to be completed.


There is no default retirement age.

Occupational sick pay scheme

There is an occupational sick pay scheme where the period of entitlement to paid sick leave is based on the length of continuous service. After 5 years´ service an employee is eligible for 6 months ´full pay´ and 6 months ´half pay´.

Work / life balance policies

There is a range of policies designed to support staff to balance work and home life and deal with personal responsibilities, as well as some of life´s major events. These include Adoption Leave, Compassionate Leave, Bereavement Leave, Family Leave, Children and Dependants Leave, Fertility Treatment Leave, Flexible Working, Foster Care Leave, Jobshare / Part-time Working, Maternity Leave, Shared Parental Leave, Unpaid Parental Leave and Paternity / Maternity Support Leave.


The University's selection procedure requires that successful candidates for these posts have their qualifications and professional registration validated. You will be asked in your contract of employment to bring original copies ofy our first degree and above to the People Support team to be copied and recorded.

Disclosure Scotland (PVG) checks

The post for which you are may require the successful applicant to undergo a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) check through Disclosure Scotland prior to appointment. This check is necessary to ensure that the University of Dundee fulfils its legal duties under the Act.

If you are successful in your application, the offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory Disclosure (PVG) Report. The University will make a Disclosure (PVG) application to Disclosure Scotland which will reveal any past criminal convictions (spent or unspent) or inclusion on the Disqualified From Working with Children List. Any non-conviction information held locally by the police may also be disclosed should this be considered relevant to the position.

Please note it is a criminal offence to apply for a child care position if you are on the Disqualified From Working with Children List.

Relocation expenses

The University makes a contribution towards relocation expenses incurred by newly appointed members of staff in moving to Dundee to take up their appointments. The reimbursement is subject to a maximum of the equivalent of one month's gross pay calculated on basic starting salary (this does not include any shift allowances, out of hours intensity supplements, distinction awards, etc). Additional assistance may be given in respect of removals from overseas. If relocation expenses are paid and the member of staff leaves within two years, the University will require repayment of any such relocation expenses. Less than 2 years will be reimbursed on a fractional basis. Recovery will be at the rate of 1/24th for each month less than 2 years worked and will be automatically deducted from the final salary payment.

Additional information for all staff groups

No smoking policy

The University operates a no-smoking policy, with designated smoking areas available in some areas.

Equal opportunities

The University is committed to equal opportunities and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.



+44(0)1382 386999

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