Code of conduct

Student commitment to good conduct 2024/25

Updated on 11 September 2024

The University of Dundee is a welcoming, diverse and supportive community, committed to promoting the highest standards of behaviour

On this page

To maintain our working, learning and social environment, we are committed to ensuring a safe environment for our University community and fostering a University experience for our students in which every member engages positively, with the University and local community, and treats others with respect, dignity and care. 

Good conduct

For that purpose, all students at the University of Dundee are required to declare that they agree to this Commitment to Good Conduct when they enrol at the University via the matriculation process.  

As a student at the University of Dundee, by matriculating you are expected to:


  • strive to reach your potential
  • make the most of your time at the University and take every opportunity to benefit from participation in our diverse, exciting and stimulating learning environment
  • attend welcome and induction events and actively participate in classes and meetings with tutors and supervisors to the best of your ability
  • act responsibly, managing your learning, spend sufficient time in private study and submit work on time and in a professional manner
  • value the contributions of your fellow students, staff and visitors to the University and use these contributions in support of your learning


  • provide us with accurate information about yourself and keep that information updated should there be any changes
  • regularly check for and respond promptly to all communications from the University
  • ensure you pay all tuition fees and other charges on time
  • follow the University’s Processes and Procedures available on its website at 
  • abide by applicable law and regulations

General behaviour

  • be considerate and courteous towards others
  • respect the physical environment of the University and the surrounding City and behave in a responsible manner ensuring your actions always reflect well on the reputation of your University
  • rour behaviour should reflect the Values of the University and you should do nothing to bring the University into disrepute

Status of Commitment

This Statement sets out the expectations of the University for its students post- matriculation so you have a benchmark for the standards of behaviour expected.  

This Commitment to Good Conduct is not a contractual document. This Commitment does not form part of the University’s Student Terms and Conditions or your Contract with the University, which can be found on our website. 

The Commitment has no effect on the application of Student Rules as defined in the University’s Student Terms and Conditions and should there be a conflict between this Statement, the Student Terms and Conditions and/or the Student Rules the terms of the Student Terms and Conditions and/or Student Rules will prevail.

The Commitment is also separate to any applicable professional standards that are required to be observed by a student on a course regulated by a professional regulatory body, such as the General Medical Council. 

Please note that there may be other Codes of Conduct that apply with your contracts with the University, such as in respect of Accommodation provided by the University which will continue to apply separately. 

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