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Research project

Judith Sixsmith is a co-author on a new policy and guidelines publication called Place-Age, Place-Making with older adults towards age-friendly cities and communities.

Research project

This collection of articles aims to address key gaps in educational transitions research literature, leading to new perspectives and the identification of recommendations for further research, policy and practice.

Business and human rights poster for seminars series showing a panel of participants photos at the bottom
View Business and human rights: exploring the potential and challenges of a UN framework convention

Research project

Corporations, their activities, influence, incentive structures and business models are deeply implicated in inter-linked environmental, economic and social challenges with profound implications for human rights. This raises the question, through what international standards and mechanisms should corporate human rights impacts be addressed?

a table with someone writing post-its
View Making Sense

Research project

‘Making Sense’ embodies socio-technical design research to support participatory sensing initiatives addressing urban environmental challenges in areas such as noise and air pollution.

man at organ with man at microphone

Research project

ECZEMA! is a cumulative performance work for one voice and pipe organ, written and directed by Maria Fusco, commissioned by National Theatre Wales to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS.

park benches in a forest
View Rosnes Bench

Research project

Rosnes Bench is a permanent artwork commissioned by Wide Open, for the diverse and vast landscape of Dumfries & Galloway Forest.

people on beach with sticks with molten metal on the end for bell casting

Research project

‘TIDE’ is a multi-layered creative research project by Tania Kovats which examines the uniquely dynamic nature of tides in the UK.

green cloud
View Sàl

Research project

Sàl (Saltwater) is a collaboration between Dalziel + Scullion and composer Iain Morrison, commissioned by 14-18 NOW, WWI Centenary Art Commissions, in collaboration with An Lanntair.

Canvases with heads painted on them, stacked up around a bright gallery
View Witness [DRAWN]

Research project

Witness was developed as a new series of drawings for a solo exhibition (curated by Esen Kaya), with eight drawings first exhibited in ‘DRAWN’ – Anita Taylor (solo exhibition).

a row of hands
View Hands of X

Research project

‘Hands of X’ by Andrew Cook, investigates prosthetic hands, identity, fashion, and ownership.

portrait of a man with a desk coming out of his face
View Ages of Wonder

Research project

‘Ages of Wonder: Scotland’s Art from 1540 until Today’ is a curatorial and editorial research project led by Arthur Watson.

People in exhibition with large red zips
View Pyramid Selling

Research project

This work develops Mick Peter’s evolving research interest in the rhetorical, self-reflexive potential of making an exhibition which is apparently about making an exhibition, by showing exhibition-making as something that can reflect on how sculptural form is understood in mainstream visual culture.

neon images on a wall
View A Drama in Time

Research project

A Drama in Time draws on histories shaping Edinburgh’s forms and ideas, presenting iconic images in neon, illuminating a journey, a life, and questioning what lies beyond.

Research project

This project explores transfer to the secondary school environment of pupil domain-specific knowledge and skills (particularly in science), and general social, communication and teamwork skills

Research project

The Museum of Loss and Renewal investigates issues such as the value and significance of objects, life and death, and artist-led curatorial practice

students in an exhibition hall with decorative lights on the ceiling
View Design in Action

Research project

Design in Action (DiA) is a £5m Knowledge Exchange (KE) Hub for the Creative Economy, funded in 2012 by the Arts and Humanities Research Council to demonstrate design as a key strategy for economic growth and innovation within industry. A further £500k was awarded from Creative Scotland to support Scottish SMEs to apply design innovation and strategy in both the creative and non-creative industries.

Man looking out over the Ganges river
View River health in the Ganges

Research project

The river system of the Ganges holds great physical, social and cultural importance in India, but suffers from poorly regulated pollution and water demand. This project looked at how water pollution affects communities on the Ramganga tributary of the Ganges.

a group of people smiling in front of a helictopter
View Tropical forest dynamics in logged, restored and conserved forests in SE Asia

Research project

A programme of work, led by Prof. Mark Cutler, that builds on research started over 20 years ago in logged forests around Danum Valley in Sabah, Malaysia. This includes analysis of the impacts of the 2015 El Niño on leaf reflectance and traits, and the effectiveness of restoration measures on carbon accumulation in forests after logging.

a busy street with people shopping and people on bikes
View Youth Transitions in Protected Crisis

Research project

Funded by DFID, Youth Transitions in Protracted Crisis focuses on young people who are refugees and highlights the challenges and strategies youth employ to create adult lives in difficult environments. The research took place in urban and camp settlements in Uganda and Jordan working with various refugee groups aged 10 -24.

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