Public Engagement Newsletter

To raise awareness of our public engagement activity and opportunities, we publish a monthly Public Engagement Newsletter. The newsletter is sent out monthly to subscribers, and once a year to all staff and students.

On this page
Subscribe to our newsletter

If you'd like to subscribe to our newsletter, all you need to do is contact us at and we'll add you onto our mailing list.

Past newsletters

If you missed one of our recent newsletters you can find all the past issues in our archive.

Contributing to the newsletter

We are always looking for new content, especially with a focus on:

  • opportunities for our staff and students to participate in engagement activity
  • opportunities for our staff and students to develop their skills through training, conferences or workshops
  • news of public engagement funding

The Public Engagement Newsletter does not publish details of upcoming events for audiences. You can advertise upcoming activities and events in the University's weekly Staff and Student Newsletter by submitting your events there.

Please let us know about your engagement related content that you would like to feature in our monthly newsletter, by completing the details on the form on this page.

We'll get back in touch with you if we need any further information.

Dates and submission dates for future newsletters

Issue Deadline for submissions Published
April 2024 Monday 8 April Monday 15 April
May 2024 Monday 6 May Monday 13 May
June 2024 Monday 3 June Monday 10 June
August 2024 Monday 5 August Monday 12 August
September 2024 Monday 2 September Monday 9 September
October 2024 Monday 7 October Monday 14 October
November 2024 Monday 4 October Monday 11 October

Submission form