
George Square Statues Walking Tour (Glasgow)

Saturday 1 October 2022

The University of Dundee's Dr. Michael Morris led a walk and talk that highlighted a more difficult context to the statues in Glasgow's George Square

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Saturday 1 October 2022, 00:00 - 00:00
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Glasgow’s George Square was laid out in 1781 and the statues, erected between 1819 and 1902, are designed to celebrate scientists, writers, military figures, politicians and royals. But these sculptures largely tell a sanitised story of city, national and imperial development.

The University of Dundee's Dr. Michael Morris led a walk and talk that highlighted a more difficult context and to provide a counter-narrative to this cleaned up history. He used the statues to reveal a hidden history of Scotland’s complicated involvement in slavery and abolition associated with every one of the statues on display.

This event was held as part of Black History Month Scotland.

Event type Walk
Event category Black History Month