
Greenwashing from the Catwalk to the Landfill: What’s Sustainable about the Fashion Industry?

Tuesday 5 March 2024

This research seminar builds on Prof. Mark Brewer’s previous work on sustainability and the fashion industry.

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Tuesday 5 March 2024, 13:00 - 14:00
Carnegie Lecture Theatre

University of Dundee

Carnegie Building



Carnegie Lecture Theatre
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Presenter: Mark Brewer from Heilbronn University

Host: Dr Felippe Oliveira

Weaving a complex web of waste across its sourcing, production, supply, retail, and after-use cycles, the $1.7 trillion fashion industry is among the world’s three most unsustainable, accounting for approximately ten percent of global carbon emissions. This research seminar builds on Prof. Mark Brewer’s previous work on sustainability and the fashion industry. It will initially examine the staggering environmental impact of the fashion industry and critically analyse the so-called “fashion paradox,” or the dichotomy between the fashion industry’s reliance on ever-changing styles and issues of sustainability. The seminar will also examine the so-called fast fashion industry, critically evaluating its business model and the legal limitations to enhancing sustainability in the fast fashion industry. The seminar will then consider the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility as well as other soft law initiatives. The seminar will also consider corporate personality and the impact that the law plays in skewing companies away from sustainable behaviour, particularly in the fashion industry. Finally, the seminar will consider potential solutions for reducing waste and consumption (including the circular economy, greater emphasis on recycling and reusing, the bioeconomy, etc.) as well as alternative means to connect raw materials, designers, labour, and retailers more closely with consumers, thereby reducing the industry carbon footprint.

Anyone interested in sustainability and/or fashion is warmly welcome to come and be a part of the lively discussion.

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Event type Seminar
Event category Research