Holly Poon

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Holly’s works focus on her personal discovery of flow and movement in Chinese ink painting. She continues to explore on the known and unknown results created.


Profile picture for Fine Art student Holly Poon

Through my artworks, I always want to explore the connection between the nature and mankind. It is interesting in how we perceive and interact with each other. Looking at the past, our ancestors worshiped and feared of the nature. In mythologies and the present, some worship natural phenomena as Gods and pray for protection. Nature deity is in charge of natural forces. It dominates our fate; it can nurture us, it’s capable to destroy us. In modern society nature it-self has been interfered by humans, with technology we can control, manage the ecological system, we can predict and get alarmed of disasters. The “nature “ now we have access to, is mostly modified by humans. So I questioned myself: Is this truly natural? Through this series of works, I explored the meaning of nature to me and my role in this environment. I believe that through the means of art it is possible to point out the importance of environmental soundness through speaking to emotion and passion for nature, and by unlocking an ancient sense of awe.

Flow 1

Flowing black ink forms marble pattern on paper, with blue colour blocks and bright red fine lines on top.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper

Flow 2

Flowing black ink forms marble pattern on paper, with blue colour blocks and bright red fine lines on top.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper

Flow 3

Flowing black ink forms marble pattern on paper, with bright red colour blocks and ultramarine blue fine lines on top.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper

Formation 1

Two red rocks upside down on each other, with black lines layering on top, and splashes of colour.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper

Formation 2

Black ink forms marble for the background, with red rocks on top in the middle of the painting.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper


Black ink forms abstract shape of jellyfish, with splashes of blue red yellow and greed colours at the back.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper


Black ink forms abstract shape of mountain and rivers, with red and blue fine lines on top that follows the flow.

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper

Ocean Swell

Ocean waves drawn in fine lines and splashes of colour including blue orange red and yellow

34cm x 69cm, Chinese ink on paper


You can support me by following my Instagram and Behance, or buying works from my Esty page. (≧◡≦)
