Daira Ronzoni

Fine Art BA (Hons)

A land of ethereal fruits, colours, and shapes - Corazón de Pachamama


Profile photo of Daira Ronzoni

The shapes, and colours I produce, coexist with one another within the space they occupy. I examine the origins of culture, agriculture, and ecology through the translation of sculpture, ceramics, mixed media textiles, and digital realms. Colours and tactility continue to be an essential spark in my work, engaging with my own memories and South American traditions, to create a three-dimensional sculptural paradise-scape. Inspired by the Pachamama deity, who is envisioned as representing the earth's most sacred ancestors: our soil, seeds, fruits, water and plants. Our hands have been a part of shaping our environment for many seasons, this knowledge belongs to communities that are still alive today. I'm constantly thinking about our relationship with Pachamama and the various ways we might make our most precious offerings in exchange for the safety of our food, crops, and ecology. Shapes, colours, and use of mix media materials are symbolic to my South American roots, and create interactive conversations through traditions, a way of seeing, and feeling through an abundance of illuminous fruits, flora and fauna. These elements combine to form my own visual language.  The constant relationship with these tactile materials, forms and hues, reveal that all organisms are in the process of creating an identity, which is not stable and is constantly recreated and rewired.

A panoramic picture of the degree display installation. Large flower wall sculptures, as well as a floor piece with large cups, fruits, snakes, and bowls. A metal straw hand and a snake on the right, and a television showing a game in the right corner.
A flower piece photograph portraying an offering of enormous mate cups, snakes, bowls, and a profusion of porcelain fruit.
On the wall, a wooden floral sculpture with mosaics, naturally dyed fabric, velvet, and paint.

Courthouse Studio Programme 2022 is a link where people can find me. I wouldn't want to sell my work if its chosen for major exhibitions but I am keen to have commission of similar works and mediums. I can be contacted through Instagram and my website which has a contact link site.
