Gracie Whitehouse

Illustration BDes (Hons)

An illustrator from the West Midlands with an interest in zines, graphic novels and fun colourful illustrations.



As an Illustrator I enjoy creating colourful narrative pieces. My work primarily takes inspiration from the female narrative, mythology and experiences I have faced. My work as an illustration student has also led me to increasingly express myself through creative writing and I enjoy finding ways to tie these two together in my work. As I have gone through my degree I have developed a passion for conceptual graphic novels and zines as a way to explore the human experience. My main aim with all my work is to have fun and create colourful illustrations that connect with people.

She Will Burn, cover and page excerpt

The left image, a pink fawn like woman in a blue forest surrounded by stars with one star surround in a pink flame. Placed within the hair are both the title, She Will Burn, and author, Gracie Whitehouse. The right image, a pink fawn like women embraces a dark blue character wearing a multi faced mask within the blue grass. They are surrounded by dark blue ink blobs and the words "I am left to question my thoughts especially when I miss the good days and the fake him. The times I felt safe and protected.

My graphic novel 'She Will Burn' is a work of love, I created this novel not only to remind myself but others who have had similar situations that there is hope and growth after relationships make you feel worthless. I allowed my written work to drive the creation, using my experience of a toxic relationship to create something beautiful out of the ashes.

The Innocents Zine Series Excerpt

Four panels of a zine print in blue ink. Panel one has the head of medusa looking to the left with her snake hair escaping into the surrounding area. Panel two medusa is kneeling on the floor surrounded by the men she has turned to stone. Panel three, has two feet wearing winged sandals walking. Panel four shows medusa curled up on the floor of a cave sleeping with Perseus standing in the lit cave entrance.

This excerpt from my zine series The Innocent. Each zine focuses on a different women in greek mythology and how they have been wrongly done by men. This is the first in the series telling Medusa's tragic story.

How To Read a Book

The words "how to read a book" are at the top of the image bold lettering, underneath sits a rectangular box containing a drawing of a book, a phone and a body pillow. There is a 8 panel visual instructions on reading a book, the panels are square. The girl changes positions whilst reading the book in the first three panels. In the fourth panel a thought bubble with a question mark has appeared out of the girls head. In the fifth panel the girl has put down her book and is now holding her phone.

Based on the prompt create instructions on something that doesn't normally have them, this is a comically tale on how I am forever being distracted by my phone when I try to read my book.
