Jade Smith

Fine Art BA (Hons)

A body of moving image work questioning what it means to be connected to the present by experimenting with the boundaries between the physical and digital.


Portrait of Jade Smith

My practise investigates the pressures of maintaining a connection to the present, with moving image as my primary medium. I explore and blur the line between conventional and new media through the application of both digital and physical techniques. By experimenting with different video editing techniques, I strive to create engaging visual material which connote emotion. I am interested in creating simplistic compositions to convey complex feeling of doubt. Through this my work challenges the strain and demands we hold ourselves to. These ideas of self-pressure being expressed alongside a bright pink colour pallet, I hope to create a feeling of comfort and reassurance for the audience, conveying a positive perspective on such feelings. In addition to my technical explorations, I am also intrigued by technology's place in fine art and the boundaries between the physical and the digital.

Two projections on adjacent walls. on the right hand side a woman walks on a pink back ground behind a screen on the floor, the screen shows an image of feet walking.on the left hand side shows a woman again on a pink back back ground this time she is lying down with he head behind a screen. the screen shows the woman's head in a different location.
Two books laid on top of each other. the title reads "unyoked" in small text at the bottom of the page with cut of figure heads along the top.
An image showing cut out head spanning along the top on a pink back ground
