Libby Lilburn

Fine Art BA (Hons)

I aim to break stigmas on disability, showing what normality is to me being Autistic, I paint depictions of my life in the aim to open the eyes of the viewer.


Portrait of Libby Lilburn.

My name is Libby, I am an autistic artist, who also has SID (sensory integration dysfunction), High functioning anxiety, depression, and suspected ADHD.

A lot of my work centres around breaking stigmas and assumptions around nuances to do with disability, with a particular focus on autism and neurodiversity, based on my own experiences growing up. Through creativity, I have found ways to depict my struggles and difficulties. Creating art also helps me to process these experiences and this makes me stronger as a person.

My aim with my artwork is to open the viewer’s eyes to different ways of living, and to raise awareness of non-visible disabilities. I want to showcase my experience of growing up with autism and SID to illustrate what is normal to me, might not be normal to others...

This year my studio practice centres around the idea that I want to show what the “Normal within the Abnormal” my life is, as a lot of my own experiences have always been dictated via my support needs. My work primarily features paintings depicting my otherwise “isolated” childhood growing up with just my parents, brother (my twin) and our 45+ pets at home.

Art is a gateway for others to see the world as I do. So through this installation featuring 100+ paintings, drawings, hand dyed fabrics, functional sculptures, and audio recordings, I aim to break stigmas on what being disabled is and show a snippet into what life at my MADHOUSE is like.

A small green painted cardboard hut with square bunting hanging outside, sits in the corner of a white room. Two paintings hang on the walls behind.
A green room divider entrance with a space behind it, with paintings on the walls and greenery growing up the front.
A clothes line hangs across a white backdrop. Six square pieces of cloth are pegged onto the line, five small blue pieces and one bigger yellow cloth. Each has a painting of a cat depicted on them.
Square bunting of mixed sized pieces with birds painted on each square.

Image credits: Corrie Lilburn

You can help further support me further by watching my creative process on my Instagram @CatMastertibs,

as well as finding me and work involved in this years’ "Fabriano in Acquarello" 2023 International Watercolour Convention.

If you wish to buy any of my degree show work, or commission a piece of art from me just ask by emailing me at
