Michelle Fernando

Architecture MArch (Hons)

The thesis aims to transform mainstream housing by exploring Multigenerational dwellings with multiple generations living under one roof.



As we know Multigenerational living is not new and has been around for decades in all parts of the world and our society faces an increase in social isolation which has been proven to contribute to mental health issues such as depression and loneliness that several older people experience. The dwelling of three generations ultimately becomes a sense of community which becomes a support system, providing functional economic, social, and emotional assistance, therefore well planned and designed housing is crucial to reduce these negative factors that have an impact on our lives. Studies show that this living arrangement is common among ethnic minority groups and limited housing options available in Dundee for larger families, and extended families, therefore the proposal influences the potential to develop interventions across Dundee. The thesis aims to explore the architectural problems surrounding multigenerational homes the design intervention aims to improve the overall spatial standards by maximizing the use of space in the Victorian Townhouse while preserving the Victorian architectural integrity of the property. The project objective is to improve energy efficiency by retrofitting the existing property and implementing modern-day technology and transforming a multi-generational home that has spatial boundaries in a way that allows privacy between the inhabitants while the communal spaces allow for interaction.


Line drawings showing the design of a flexible play area and child bedroom with collapsible partition in the middle of the room.

Flexible play area and child bedroom with collapsible partition The new proposal creates spaces for retreat and hobbies, the flexible spaces don't have a strictly defined purpose in the home and can be used for various different activities, the children's play area on the attic level is opened up with a glass balustrade flooded with natural daylight offered by the roof light above, with views overlooking the River Tay this space can be utilized as a quiet prayer space or yoga space for relaxation. The collapsible partition has foldable table top, bed frame and storage spaces within it.


Three line drawings showing the outside of the building. The space is square with window. There are chairs outside, a tree, and people walking. There is also an image showing curved stairs running up to the door.

The new proposed scheme aims to improve accessibility by creating an additional route through Shaftesbury Place into the home, creating a separate entrance that also offers privacy and separation for the grandparents when needed, the north-facing glass extension provides a separate living space, and still being connected to the garden which enables interaction with grandchildren.

Section A-A

Line drawing showing a cut section of the building and the extension on the left. The building has three floors. The extension is one floor and has 4 glass windows. Children are shown playing in the extended room.
