Alana Brand

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Ceramic sculptures and prints that explore and question the human relationship with the natural environment through a microscopic lens.


Alana Brand

My work is an in depth exploration of the human relationship with the environment, diving deeper beyond the Anthropocene and the environmental issues that threaten the existence and future of humanity and the very planet earth we call home. I am fascinated, also intrigued by the human impact upon the planet, how we have shaped and changed the earth in the past, present and future, and how we interact with these natural surroundings.

I take inspiration from a myriad of things- anything from scientific materials such as microscope images and diagrams to natural and man made textures, shapes and forms - Materiality is my language. I translate these ideas and interactions into sculptures, prints and artists books, which give me the opportunity to utilise a wide range of materials to convey future and present worlds of anthropocentric destruction.

Image of 5 pillars with 8 ceramic cylinders stacked on each pillar with varying textures and colours
three framed square digital prints on a white wall with one being green, one is brown and the other yellow.
three framed square textured embossed prints on a white wall. All 3 prints are beige coloured on white background.

You can follow me on social media or visit my website to find out more about the work I create and any exhibitions I am involved in. If you are interested in purchasing any of my work, you can email me or contact me via Instagram or LinkedIn. 
