Chi Chan

Graphic Design BDes (Hons)

A multidisciplinary problem solver aiming to distill the essence and personality for everything design.


Profile photo of Chi Chan

As a problem solver, the design process keeps me motivated and driven, together with a strong appreciation for the learning opportunities, challenges, and directions. As an outgoing individual, I take great pride in my ‘work-life’ balance but understand the fulfilling benefits of commitment when I believe it’s necessary. This application elevates my responses to all design problems. With the rapidly changing society and climate we live in today, I’m excited to help unfold, inform, and story-tell through clear and clever design. 


wavy black logotype (leccer.ccleer) on a yellow background
A yellow and blue can being held up against the sky

‘LECCER.CCLEER’ aims to present a more health-conscious alternative for conventional alcoholic beverages whilst preserving the essence of sociability. LECCER.CCLEER encourages Gen Z to embrace social settings with a clear mind. The name is derived from the Dutch word “LEKKER” used to describe something as tasty, nice, or delicious. Here, the word is slightly modified to become an anagram of ‘CCLEER’.


Under Article 9 of the Basic Law and Official Languages Ordinance, both Chinese and English are equally official languages of Hong Kong. Street signs, businesses, and other essential places in the city often use English and Cantonese simultaneously. The narrative of this publication highlights the influence of British colonialism and the reasoning behind Article 9 - evoking Hong Kong’s unique historical, cultural, and linguistic landscape. It switches between English and Chinese to reflect the nature of code-switching present in Hong Kong.
