Keetah Konstant

Art & Philosophy BA (Hons)

A body of work exploring the links between exploitation, extraction of natural resources, profit-seeking and the cost of living crisis.


Keetah Konstant is a Scottish-South African artist. She utilises painting, printmaking, drawing, and sculpture to communicate her ideas. She explores socio-economic and political themes, specifically offering strong criticism of capitalism and its detrimental effects on human life and the environment. Through this body of work, she is examining the suffering caused by global exploitation and imperialism through the extraction of natural resources. She then links it back to the cost-of-living crisis in the UK, utilising imagery of forgotten, abandoned, and aged objects as symbolism for economic realities. Through this, she shows how with financial input, domestic objects can provide us with warmth, light, and sustenance. Without it, they will rot. Throughout, she reminds the viewer that financial gain is currently the pervasive motivator in matters concerning often the most crucial and basic human necessities. She consistently returns to a distinctive illustrative style, using dark and muted colours along with tongue-in-cheek symbolism. Through her work, she strives to bridge the gap between the fine art world and grassroots community organising, activism, and direct action to encourage material change.

Blocked vs Breathing

Two bronze bath plugs attached to small chains, one polished and clean, the other brown and aged.

Return On Investment

a page open in a book showing 2 black and white prints. Both are depicting apocalyptic landscapes.

Hook, Line and Sinking

A wooden pond-like structure, subtly in the shape of Africa. Rocks, moss and plants are stuck into the pond surrounded by a water-like effect. On top of the surface are objects that are depicting gold, cobalt, limestone and crude oil.

Please go to my website to purchase work. I will be donating a portion of any sales I make to families in Gaza. Please also follow my Instagram for updates on future projects and exhibitions. Thank you so much for your support!