Kyle Ferguson

Product Design BSc (Hons)

Re-Fresh is a mobile refill distribution and vendor service that aims to reduce plastic production by encouraging an increase in plastic re-usability.


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Whenever the word sustainability is spoken, you usually hear some aspect describing plastic waste and the efforts being made worldwide to replace it as a material with plant or animal-based substances in the same conversation.

Re-Fresh tackles the same issue, just not from the perspective you were expecting. The main issue with plastic waste is that it is described as having ‘long-lasting properties’ and yet so much gets mass produced and labelled as “disposable” as if it just magically disappears after use. Out of sight, out of mind, right? That is, until we hear about it on the news or on social media about plastic in the ocean or we see it ourselves just lying in the streets. Why not use these long-lasting qualities to our advantage?

Re-Fresh aims to change the way we use plastic by changing how we purchase the products that they package. This is a battle on both fronts: by reusing the plastic packaging we already have; and transporting larger, reusable and sturdier plastic containers between a mobile distribution service and manufacturers this eliminates the need to produce more and will save money and resources for both manufacturer and customer alike.

Re-Fresh Van Prototype (Exterior)

1 to 5 scale model of a van with two mannequins, a worker and a customer. The worker is serving the customer through the side hatch of the van and the customer is holding a phone in their hand that is displaying the app prototype.

Van exterior with worker and customer interaction through the van's side hatch.

Re-Fresh Van Prototype (Interior)

1 to 5 scale model of van interior. Mannequin of worker refilling plastic container with product. Larger containers on shelving with information flaps above for each of them.

Van interior with work refilling plastic container with product to be sold back to customer.

Re-Fresh App Prototype (Van Locations Page)

App prototype layout for the van location page. Page includes: home button and re-fresh name at the top; a drop down box to select the location; an interactive map showing van locations in the middle; and a list of locations and times at the bottom.

Van Locations page for the app prototype which is used to locate when and where the van will be close to the customer.

Re-Fresh Video
