Ludwika Czajka

Fine Art BA (Hons)

"Everything that you are looking for lies behind the mask you wear"- Art as a tool for understanding the unconscious


Ludwika Czajka

I am deeply intrigued by the depths of the human psyche and the complexities of the mind. My work delves into the realms of psychology, exploring the connections between the physical emotional and spiritual.

The process of creating serves as a transformative space, allowing me to digest my emotions and experiences and translate them into tangible forms.

My paintings saturated with raw feelings speak to the viewer directly, inviting them to explore the complexities of the mind and emotions, and perhaps even discover something about themselves in the process.

My dissertation talks about the representation of women in art. I wanted to explore this subject as female figure is a central part of my work. It has helped me to learn about nuances of representation which can determine the way that the artwork is read.  In my paintings, I am trying to merge the external representation of the body with the internal sensations and experiences of being in it.

Incorporating elements of nature into my pieces acts as a metaphor but also allows me to explore the interconnectedness of all living beings. The intricate patterns and cycles found in the natural world mirror the complexity of human emotions and psychological processes.

I believe that our environment has a profound impact on our well-being and that being in nature leads us back to simplicity and harmony.

My time at DJCAD was a journey of self-discovery, where I learned to trust my intuition and follow my heart.

bronze sculpture
bronze mask
etching, woman and roses

Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to purchase any of my work.
