Wenying Zhou

Architecture RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons)

The Snake: Water Port, Air Port, and Anthropogeographic Internationalism


Wenying Zhou

Duisburg port, renowned as the world's largest inland harbour, and Düsseldorf Airport, the largest airport in NR-W, both serve as critical nodes in the intricate web of international trade and transport. The site nestled between the two pivotal international gateways, lies a 28KM stretch of waterfront that epitomizes the essence of global connectivity. This scheme introduces the concept of the "waterfront snake," an ambitious architectural project designed to weave through this expansive waterfront, symbolically and functionally linking the river port and the air port. The scheme pre-empts the inevitability of waterfront development, attempting to head off piecemeal waterfront development by proposing a strategically controlled total-design solution, devised to respond to the variegated conditions of the landscape with a regional-scale programme of international engagement. This serpentine landscape of activity not only facilitates global commerce and mobility but also embodies a unique realm of internationalism. By bridging these two international gateways, the project articulates a physical and conceptual connection that transcends geographical and jurisdictional boundaries, redefining the waterfront as a dynamic locus of global interaction and exchange.

Sheme Poster

Duisburg port to Dusseldolf airport 28 km SNAKE SCHEME: how the Anthropogeographic Internationalism (the snake)  connect the two global portals (the water port and the air port).

Relational Morphology

Relational Morphology - drawing of different interactions of design on water and land

Moment - Transitioning From Land To Water

The perspective section highlighting the interplay between interior spaces and their connection to the external local environment, along with easy accessibility, porosity, and views transitioning from land to water.
