
Dyslexia support for students

Updated on 5 June 2024

Get dyslexia support if you are a student including specialist dyslexia tuition and dyslexia screening.

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All disabled students are advised to register with Disability Services as soon as possible to ensure individual support arrangements are made.

Our Dyslexia Advisers support students with dyslexia in the following areas:

  • specialist dyslexia tuition
  • dyslexia screening
  • dyslexia diagnosis 
  • dyslexia resources

If you have already had a positive screening for dyslexia and are awaiting a diagnostic assessment, or you have evidence of this from a previous institution, we can arrange temporary adjustments to L&T/exams if needed and pending a formal diagnostic assessment.

Specialist dyslexia tuition

If your needs assessment has identified that you would benefit from specialist study skills support, you will be invited to an initial interview with one of our Dyslexia Advisers where a support plan will be agreed.

The kind of support available includes:

  • help with identifying individual learning styles and with making the best use of these
  • spelling strategies, to help you look at ways of learning course specific words, and also to help with spelling in general
  • methods of structuring essays and reports
  • grammar and punctuation
  • help with improving short-term working memory
  • help with different methods of note taking
  • using mind maps for taking notes and for exam revision
  • reading techniques and reading improvement
  • continuing support with the use of dyslexia-specific software

This support can be funded through the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA), if you are eligible, or through the University's Disability Premium funding if not. Please contact Disability Services for further details. Further support with developing your academic skills is available from the University's Academic Skills Centre.

Visual Processing Difficulties

Visual difficulties are often associated with dyslexia, and many individuals report visual discomfort when reading and writing, especially when there is a stark colour contrast between print and paper (e.g., black print on white paper) or when reading in specific lighting conditions, such as fluorescent lighting. Fatigue, headaches, migraines, print distortions, and losing place are common symptoms. Visual difficulties can result from various factors. Therefore, if you experience such issues, it is important that you consult with a specialist optometrist who can assess general eye health, binocular stability, accommodation, convergence and focus, before you seek dyslexia screening.

If visual processing problems are identified, lenses may be required. For some individuals, tinted coloured lenses or coloured overlays may be prescribed to help reduce visual discomfort during reading and writing activities. (visit The BDA Visual Discomfort webpage for more information).

Dyslexia screening

If you are a matriculated student of the University of Dundee and are experiencing difficulties with your reading and/or writing, you may wish to consider undertaking a free screening assessment for dyslexia. This involves gathering information on your educational background and undertaking standardised tests, including reading, spelling and memory.

The screening will help determine whether a full diagnostic assessment is indicated. The results will be discussed with you by one of our Advisers and, if it is decided on the basis of your results that you are not to be referred for further assessment, then they will suggest ways in which you might deal with any difficulties you are experiencing; including advising you of the support available through the University's Library and Learning Centre and Academic Skills Centre, and through the University's networked assistive software.

If the results show that there is a likelihood of dyslexia, you will be referred for a full diagnostic assessment and temporary recommendations may be made for departmental and examination support. This diagnostic assessment is also provided free of charge to matriculated students.

To request a screening appointment, please contact Disability Services

Dyslexia diagnosis

This assessment consists of consideration of your previous educational history, including any prior screening or diagnosis of dyslexia, and psychometric assessments designed to show whether your difficulties are caused by dyslexia. The assessment rationale and procedures are based on the recommendations of the final report of the DfES Working Group Guidelines on Dyslexia and the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee guidelines.

A comprehensive report on the assessment will be produced, with recommendations on how you can be supported in your studies. The assessment is free of charge for matriculated students of Dundee University.

If dyslexia is diagnosed, you may be eligible to apply for the Disabled Students' Allowance to help meet the cost of your dyslexia-related support needs. Any support recommendations will be confirmed with your Academic School/Department and the University's Exams Office with your consent, as appropriate. If a diagnosis of dyslexia is not confirmed, you will be directed to other sources of support, including that available through the University's Library and Learning Centre and Academic Skills Centre.

Book an appointment with a Dyslexia Adviser
Guide category Student support