
Connect to eduroam wifi at other institutions

Updated on 6 June 2024

If you travel to another institution that has eduroam you can use your login to get free wifi on your laptop. Follow the instructions to get your One Dundee Desktop connected to eduroam when accessing it away from our campuses.

On this page

Each time you try to connect to eduroam at a participating institution that isn't our own, you will see the onsite eduroam prompt for a password. Ignore this and instead:

  1. click on the wireless network icon located in the taskbar to the bottom right of your screen
  2. select eduroam offsite from the list of networks then click Connect (if this option isn't available the first time you try, restart your laptop and it should appear)
  3. enter your University password and full username (including when asked
  4. Click OK to connect to eduroam

There is no need to carry out any additional steps when you return to our campuses.

If you have a username that doesn’t include your ID number (students) or end with a number (staff), make sure you enter it correctly.

Find out where eduroam is available